View Full Version : Drug prosecutor suspended

09-27-2010, 02:30 PM
Prosecutor General of the Dominican Republic Radhames Jimenez Pena announced yesterday that he was suspending an assistant prosecutor who allowed a judge to release three convicted drug traffickers after serving only a fraction of their 10-year sentence. Jimenez Pena said that he accepted the recommendation of the commission from the Attorney General's office that looked into the case. According to El Nuevo Diario, the assistant prosecutor did not challenge the decision by the judge for Execution of the Sentence for San Cristobal, Francisco Mejia Angomas, who ordered the release of the prisoners last 6 September because the court's written decision had left out the word "years" after the number 10. The three men had been sentenced to 10 years in jail by a court in Barahona.

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