View Full Version : Dominican soldiers to Minustah

09-28-2010, 03:00 PM
Dominican soldiers are being trained for service in the United Nations Haiti Stabilization Mission in Haiti (Minustah). Military sources told El Dia that the training of the first group has been completed. The Dominican unit will be stationed in Haiti.
During a recent visit to the DR, Minustah police commissioner General Gerardo Chaumont warned that security systems in Haiti and the DR must be strengthened, especially after the earthquake in Haiti.
He said that the Dominican government had offered to send Dominican troops to Minustah but this had met with objections locally on the grounds that Dominican military personnel could become involved in incidents with Haitians. The DR gained its independence from Haiti in 1844. Chaumont argues that cooperation for security is essential for both countries.
The United Nations Security Council authorized the entry of 680 new agents to the force, bringing the total to 4,391 policemen and 8,940 soldiers and officers.
The Dominican military contingent will not serve in Haiti as Dominican army soldiers but as members of Minustah. The UN force is based in Port-au-Prince and its term has been extended to 15 October, but the term of the troops stationed in Haiti could be extended even further. The Minustah contingent in Haiti receives medical services at the Cedimat clinic in Santo Domingo.
The UN Security Council originally set up Minustah in February 2004 after President Bertrand Aristide departed Haiti for exile in the aftermath of an armed conflict that spread to several cities across the country. The original mandate was to restore a secure and stable environment, to promote political process and strengthen Haiti's government institutions and rule-of-law structures as well as to promote and to protect human rights. But after the earthquake of 12 January 2010, the term of the Minustah mission was extended to support the immediate recovery, reconstruction and stability efforts in the country.

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