View Full Version : The 3 Chilean Ede managers

09-28-2010, 03:00 PM
Electricity expert Jose Antonio Vanderhorst-Silverio believes that the new Chilean general managers of the power distribution companies bring skills to the table that are not appropriate for the needs of the local power industry. He feels consultants from India would have been more appropriate for the DR. He doubts the three new Chilean managers will be able to solve the 44-year old crisis.
"In my country, we have a very different market environment as we are exiting the 'mass market revolution' that is inherent to Chile's experience. We are way inside the 'systems revolution' and there is a paradigm shift available to develop the resources of the demand side, which is an area of vibrant open retail markets where I think Chile is now behind. I know the attempt made with the 'short law'," he writes.
The Public Electricity Corporation (CDEEE) recently appointed Chileans Marcelo Rogelio Silva Iribarne, Eduardo Saavedra Pizarro and Francisco Leiva Landabur to head the local power companies. The managers have experience directing and consulting with power distribution companies in Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Central America and Africa.
Vanderhorst further explains, "Chile has a great 1980s disruptive design (think of an airplane design) and great managers (think of the pilots) for the mass market electric power industry that operate monopoly retail markets. We need an emergent 2010s disruptive design for the Systems electric power industry and a new kind of managers that operate under retail markets competition."
www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/how-the-smart-grid-could-fight-off-energy-thieves-in-india/ (http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/how-the-smart-grid-could-fight-off-energy-thieves-in-india/)

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