View Full Version : UCLA Chancellor honors Fernandez

09-29-2010, 03:40 PM
The Presidency reports that UCLA Chancellor Gene Block has commended President Leonel Fernandez for his initiatives in support of Haiti and towards peace between Venezuela and Colombia.
The Presidency adds that President Fernandez met with Warner Brothers and Sony Pictures Entertainment executives in Los Angeles, California yesterday. The President, who is a strong supporter of the DR film industry, outlined the DR's brand new film industry promotion law. Fernandez's think tank Fundacion Global has provided financial support for film festivals and training for future filmmakers
Fernandez spoke of the opportunities the new law creates for the film industry and highlighted the importance of ties with institutions such as UCLA. "One cannot change an economy without training the human resources, and that is why the connection with California is important," he said upon accepting the recognition from Block on behalf of UCLA.
The Presidency reported that leading Dominican business representatives Manuel Corripio, Juan and Felipe Vicini, Elena Villeya, Ricardo Hazoury and former baseball Hall of Famer Juan Marichal attended a luncheon event hosted by Warner Brothers in honor of the President after their meeting.
www.presidencia.gob.do/app/article.aspx?id=12832 (http://www.presidencia.gob.do/app/article.aspx?id=12832)

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