View Full Version : Orange Lab & RIM in the DR

09-30-2010, 04:20 PM
President Leonel Fernandez visited Silicon Valley in California on the latest leg of his 13-day tour. He signed an agreement with France Telecom, through Orange Dominicana, for the installation of the Orange Lab Research Institute in the DR. The lab will be installed at the CyberPark. Eddy Martinez of the CEI-RD signed for the Dominican Republic.
"We have all the essential choices such as infrastructure, we have the NAP, a connectivity center at the Cyberpark that is already operating, we have some of the best telecom infrastructures in all of the Americas, we have a great location and above all human talent," said Martinez, as reported by the Presidency.
President Leonel Fernandez said that Orange has 18 labs in the world and the one in the DR will be No. 19. "With the signing of this agreement, the DR takes a leap ahead and becomes a generator of technology," he said.
Jean Marc Harion, president of Orange Dominicana also announced the signing of a second agreement between Research in Motion (RIM), manufacturers of Blackberry devices and Orange to develop applications for mobile phones, social services and Blackberry devices at the CyberPark. BlackBerry is the Dominican market's leading smartphone.
www.rim.com (http://www.rim.com)
www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-09-29/rim-hp-may-drive-price-war-to-chase-apple-s-ipad-analysts-say.html (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-09-29/rim-hp-may-drive-price-war-to-chase-apple-s-ipad-analysts-say.html)
www.presidencia.gob.do (http://www.presidencia.gob.do)

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