View Full Version : Pro-Consumidor to fight banks

10-01-2010, 04:40 PM
If enough consumers came forward, Pro-Consumidor, the government department created to defend consumers, would "fight against this bad practice," says the entity. El Dia reports that Altagracia Paulino, director of Proconsumidor and wife of the director of BanReservas, the government bank, confirms that banks are in violation of a resolution by the Superintendence of Banks, dated No. 7-2001 that establishes that interest payments should only be levied on the unpaid balance and not on the total purchase. In practice, banks still charge interest on the total debt, regardless of whether payments have been made towards the total.
www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2010/9/30/35380/Bancos-cobran-interes-a-tarjetas-hasta... (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2010/9/30/35380/Bancos-cobran-interes-a-tarjetas-hasta-por-lo-que-ya-se-ha-pagado)

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