View Full Version : Diandino Pena on the Metro

10-01-2010, 04:40 PM
Diandino Pena, director of the Metro office, says the first 14km line of the Metro transports 90,000 passengers a day, round trips included. A single fare on the Metro is RD$20. Pena said the government subsidy to the Metro is US$15 million a year. He estimates that the Metro generates around US$15 million annually, as reported in Hoy. Pena says that the feeder routes, access ways, parking and reconstruction of demolished public areas and the relocation of La Zurza families will be completed before the end of this Fernandez administration. He said that studies for the feeder roots are being carried out with the Inter-American Development Bank. He said the buildings for the control of the buses are under construction and the ground is being prepared for the main bus terminal that will be next to the Mama Tingo terminal in Villa Mella, Santo Domingo North. He said the terminal would be ready in six months, and would start with 100 buses that will feed it from Villa Mella, La Victoria, Sabana Perdida, Los Guaricanos and other sectors.
www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2010/10/1/344219/Diandino-asegura-terminara-obras-colaterales-del-Metro (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2010/10/1/344219/Diandino-asegura-terminara-obras-colaterales-del-Metro)

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