View Full Version : Nunez: Leonel wants pact for reform

08-10-2006, 03:20 PM
According to the spokesman for the Constitutional Reform Commission, Msgr. Agripino Nunez Collado, President Leonel Fernandez is seeking a broad-based political pact aimed at bringing about the planned reform. Nunez stated that political parties want the constitution updated but that it should also include the political changes necessary to modernize the Dominican state. "That is why all parties with Congressional representation have been invited," said Nunez. The date for the next meeting is yet to be announced, but could take place once the parties have defined their policy positions on what was discussed yesterday, as reported by Diario Libre. The feedback from the parties will be delivered to the commission of attorneys appointed by the President to draft the new constitution. The PRD presented the proposal to support the 2001 reform project which established that the reform would be conducted by means of a National Constituent Assembly that would be elected by popular vote in elections organized by the Central Electoral Board. For this to take place, the National Assembly would have to modify Articles 117 and 118 of the standing constitution.

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