View Full Version : I.S.O.C Discounts

Bug Boy
04-08-2005, 09:50 PM
Are there places in the DR that offer I.S.O.C. members discounts? If so can I find a listing on this board? Are membership cards given to members for ID to receive the discounts.

I just returned from San Jose, Costa Rica and had a membership card where I received discounts from food, lodging, transportation, and the chicas.

Here in Jersey needing a little more info before my first trip to DR.

04-08-2005, 10:02 PM
Are there places in the DR that offer I.S.O.C. members discounts? If so can I find a listing on this board? Are membership cards given to members for ID to receive the discounts.

I just returned from San Jose, Costa Rica and had a membership card where I received discounts from food, lodging, transportation, and the chicas.

Here in Jersey needing a little more info before my first trip to DR.

The peso is in a state of flux now. There are no discounts but with the wealt of info here you will save a few 100 per trip.

Reel Deal
04-08-2005, 10:17 PM
Are there places in the DR that offer I.S.O.C. members discounts? If so can I find a listing on this board? Are membership cards given to members for ID to receive the discounts.

I just returned from San Jose, Costa Rica and had a membership card where I received discounts from food, lodging, transportation, and the chicas.

Here in Jersey needing a little more info before my first trip to DR.

The peso is in a state of flux now. There are no discounts but with the wealt of info here you will save a few 100 per trip.Hundred, hell!

A few thousand...

04-08-2005, 10:28 PM

04-08-2005, 10:29 PM
For example a moto is 10 pesos during the day and 20 at night. If you didn t know you might pay 50. They never give change. Therefore you save a dollar everytime. Never get large bills. No one has change. Always have exact change. You might have handed out a 100 peso note and not got change so you would have overpayed 3 in that case.

04-08-2005, 10:31 PM
Information is Money, Time and Power.

04-08-2005, 10:35 PM
He is another big saver. Most chicas will go from 2000 down to 1500 and they get paid afterwards. Thats a 17 dollar saving right there. If they say 2 hours but leave after 1 they get less. If you are at the Palace you can tell the guard what happened and after you pay her less he will toss her out.

Bug Boy
04-08-2005, 10:46 PM
I get the picture. Learn to do your research. I have been reading for several weeks and learned the basics. Just need to do a lot more fine tuning.

I thought maybe there was an ISOC supermarket card, or coupons like you cut out of the newsparer. Just present these items to the vendor and you receive a specified discount without the negotiation process.

Let's say I stay at the Palace. All I say is I am an ISOC member and I get a discount, where I may not actually be a member.

My first trip to DR will be like all things in life. First you try to learn as many of the rules as you can. Than you play the game!

04-08-2005, 10:50 PM
I get the picture. Learn to do your research. I have been reading for several weeks and learned the basics. Just need to do a lot more fine tuning.

I thought maybe there was an ISOC supermarket card, or coupons like you cut out of the newsparer. Just present these items to the vendor and you receive a specified discount without the negotiation process.

Let's say I stay at the Palace. All I say is I am an ISOC member and I get a discount, where I may not actually be a member.

My first trip to DR will be like all things in life. First you try to learn as many of the rules as you can. Than you play the game!

Depending on your dates there may be 10 other guys at The Palace and you can help all the time. Today there are 4 others there, 3 are newbis.
Srating the 16th there are 11 there and 7 are not newbis.

Bug Boy
04-08-2005, 10:56 PM
Whoooooooooooaa,,,,,,,,,,slow down :lol:

I posted 2 messages and the replies are coming in faster than I can double click my mouse.

Excellent responses and response time. I guess I am in good hands with ISOC.

04-08-2005, 10:57 PM
Whoooooooooooaa,,,,,,,,,,slow down :lol:

I posted 2 messages and the relies are coming in faster than I can double click my mouse.

Excellent responses and response time. I guess I am in good hands with ISOC.
Its late now so less answers. During the day you may get 25 or more answers.

Reel Deal
04-08-2005, 11:30 PM
Like others said, Go to the Palace your first trip. Hang and listen to the guys. You'll be a pro by day 2.

04-09-2005, 01:10 AM
Like others said, Go to the Palace your first trip. Hang and listen to the guys. You'll be a pro by day 2.

In the voice Issac Hayes.......YOU DAMN RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Chocha Man
04-09-2005, 02:42 AM
For example a moto is 10 pesos during the day and 20 at night. If you didn t know you might pay 50. They never give change. Therefore you save a dollar everytime. Never get large bills. No one has change. Always have exact change. You might have handed out a 100 peso note and not got change so you would have overpayed 3 in that case.

To newbies, this is a GREAT tip. Not having change is a HUGE annoyance. This is the kind of thing that experience teaches you. After my first trip I learned to get small bills when visiting DR.

Here's some more small money savers:
1. Shop on the other end. Sosua is divided into two neighborhoods El Batey and Los Charimicos, separated by the main beach. El Batey is the tourist side. Generally, Los Charimicos is cheaper (food, groceries, etc) but less accomodating and more of a genuine DR experience. If you can't handle poverty and the loud rambunctiousness that accompany people of lower economic class, you should avoid.

2. Pack lightly. In the past I've only taken a duffel bag with me, so that allowed me to easily catch a motoconch from my El Batey hotel to the Caribe tours bus station in Los Charimicos. Saves a little more than catching a cab.

3. Take the Bus! Resist the instant graification urge that comes with taking a cab directly to and from the airport. Take the Caribe Tours bus between POP or STI and Sosua. Give yourself appropriate travel time. (And you will see and meet some astounding looking girls on the trip).Taxi from STI to Sosua is like $25. The bus? I think it was maybe in the 3 buck range. Maybe even less. My memory fails me. You still have to take a cab to and from the bus terminal, but it's very cheap.

4. Drink at home. You want to keep the bars in business (or else where would the girls go?), so don't be total cheapskate -- but if you want a little pre-game action, bottles of rum bought from the stores are ridiculously low priced. Rum may be the county's biggest export, so the're plenty of itt, and it's good quality shit. Go to a liquor store (like Super Super) and stock up.

5. Weigh your options and pick your hotel wisely.The hotels further from the "downtown" Sosua area are generally cheaper. They are not THAT far away from the action, but all that walking will get tiresome, and you might possibly spend on motoconches what you save on room rates (like $5 a day difference.) First time I went, I stayed at Voramar, which was cool, but a bit far, and took motos all the time. The second time I stayed at Hotel Club Residencial and walked most of the time. Hardly ever rode a moto, so I didn't have to worry about getting short changed by them.

6. Sweat a little. Depending on the time of year, and weather conditions, it might not be a bad idea to forgo a room with air conditioning. You will save money. There are MANY hotels in El Batey that do not have AC, only ceiling fans, but they are considerably cheaper. I went last November and didn't once use the AC in my suite. Of course you're gambling with your luck when you make your hotel reservation since by the time you arrive the weather will be unpredictable. But if you go during the coolest months, your odds of surviving without AC are of course higher.

7. Dont' forget your essentials. If you meet anyone working the beach who will act as your personal valet, be aware that they may mark up the price of stuff. They can be cool, but one guy tried to tell me sunblock costs $16!

8. Read the signs and pay attention. I believe there is a set cost for the chairs at the main Sosua beach. I forget what it is, but it's posted on the beach. Sometimes the beach guys will overcharge you.

9 Piss in the ocean. At the beach they charge to use the public restrooms. Something small, like 10 pesos or something (I cant' remember. Someone please verify), so piss in the ocean if you have to. (I prefer peeing in a restroom even though I'm surrounded by water, but it's happened to me more than once, so that's why I'm writing it as a tip). You may also use the facilities at one of the beach stall bars, but I imagine it's not very common. why else would there be pay-toilets?

10. Avoid the tourist traps. I believe the market across the street from PJs is more expensive than other stores. You pay for convenience. I haven't been, but I believe the market (Playero) on the highway that leads to Sosua is supposed to be cheaper.

11 Eat like a local. It's cheaper to eat at the stands and stuff around El Batey than the touristy restaurants, but of course the menu is limited. Strictly DR staple diet. I ate at one spot on Alejo Martinez, and it was tasty. I still think these places are a little suspect (as far as health is concerned) but if you have an iron stomach, go for it.

12. Use her as your shield. When you hook up with a GFE, and are walking around town, give the girl your money and get her to pay for things. Often, she gets the Dominican discount (i.e: "the real price").

13 Go barefoot. ;) The little Haitian shoeshine boys will be very persistent. One time I was with a friend eating at an Italian restaurant and some kids begged me for a shoeshine, irritating the waiter, who yelled at them and scared them away (Broke my heart.) If you're a super-cheapskate, wear flip flops/sandals to avoid them. (me, I'm a softie. I'll tell them to come back later and usually toss them some money)

14. Stay alert and think before you leap! DR is a poor country. And that's a sad fact. Particularly for the Dominicans. Unfortunately for you, that means that as a tourist, you will be subject to all kinds of ways to separate you from your money in even the smallest ways (like NEVER having change). Don't fall for the okey-doke. They got scams for days.

Ultimately, they may be only cheating you out of a what will (usually) be a small amount of money. Given the poverty there, it's understandable. It's just that getting hustled is no fun. So stay awake, monger.

Some other non-money related Sosua secrets:
1. Go off the beaten path. There's more than one beach in Sosua. I think there are maybe 3 in the area, but most people only go to the main big one. I went to one of the other ones my last trip out. The northernmost beach is sort of blocked by an all inclusive hotel (can't remember which one), but there's an alleyway you walk through, and voila! You'll see all the European tourists and their families frolicking withing a roped off section the beach. Outside that section (which is closer to the water) is YOURS! Keep walking to the east, and there's more beach. No girls though, but a nice secluded get away.

2. Ride to the beach. If you're on your way to the main beach you might want to invest on a moto ride to escort you to the water. Sometimes it's worth it just to swoop by the gauntlet of guys trying to sell you something on the way down or up the hill.

3. Or you can just bypass them altogether... the road behind the beach has a few "back entrances" that lead to the beach and stalls below. This way you can avoid the first 15 or so beach stalls filled with more guys hawking tourist garbage. The Los Charamicos entrance is completely devoid of guys hounding you to buy something. Not the biggest problem in the world, but it does get old and annoying sometimes.

4. Be a Man and break out of your comfort zone. Sosua is not a large town. In fact it is pretty small. YET, when I read these boards I amazed at the fact that some people have never ventured past, say, La Passions Massage spot, or even realize that there's place to go and eat on Alejo Martinez beyond the baseball park. I learned about other places by staying at the Voramar, which is a bit out there, but not that bad. Do some exploring and you'll find some spots frequented more by the locals. Overall, the pace is even slower than Sosua normally is, and you should have a bit less competition for the ladies.

5. A ho is not a housewife. If you don't know this one, shame on you.

I'm sure there's more, but those are the things I can think of right now.
Enjoy your trip. I did.

04-09-2005, 04:43 AM
solid advice... there is plenty more on the board.. read it and become wise 8)

04-09-2005, 12:11 PM
Mr Chocha Man,

Nice list ! !

04-09-2005, 12:16 PM
Mr. Chocha Man... Very good post... 10 pesos to piss at the beach is correct but if you go to Siempre Sol and have a drink or two... Meet Herman he is the owner and a very nice guy... He has a bathroom and i have never paid to use it to piss... Santiago-> Sosua taxi is only $25 Chocha man? thats a wonderfulllll price... I dont think anyone will do that if you get someone from the airport... 60 pesos is the price for the beach chairs in Sosua beach... Its 100 pesos at the Cabarette beach... You can always bring a sheet or towel and lay on one of those for free!... Walk... You dont always have to take a cab or motoconch... You save money walking, Burn some calories, See the sites and the chicas... Shoeshine boys always ask to shine whatever the hell you have on your feet... I have had flip flops and they have asked to clean them... If not then they just ask for pesos... depending on how they act and if they are polite is how i decide if they deserve pesos.... I asked one kid if i can borrow 20 pesos cause i needed it for a motoconch and i only had 100 peso bill.... He gave it to me.... I then didnt go get change for the 100 peso bill... I just gave the kid the 100 pesos... He was very happy!!... He made 80 pesos for being a good kid.... Also about the restaurants... I have learned in the last few trips that the cheaper the food it seems like it tastes the best... Check out where the dominicans eat... They are usually the best places... Not many dominicans eat out though so it may be a little hard to find this... There is a spot on the beach where i get a dominican lunch for 80 pesos... If you sit at a bar on the beach they get you this same exact food for 200... I found it because i became known... and one guy showed it to me... I bought him lunch the first time he showed me... Now i have a new friend and i have a cheap place to eat... Before anyone asks i dont know the name of the place i just know where it is.... Dont forget... You can talk everyone down for everything!!!... The final price is never the first price offered.. remember this!

04-09-2005, 01:34 PM
Welcome to the group HerbF

Mr Choca man that may be one of the best posts on here to sum everything up, great work!

04-09-2005, 03:16 PM
Welcome to the group HerbF

Mr Choca man that may be one of the best posts on here to sum everything up, great work!

I agree, you took the time too break-it-down. Look forward to reading more !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Chocha Man
04-09-2005, 08:30 PM
Glad you guys approve. I love getting and sharing the kind of information that a tourist book would never reveal. I can't think of anything else offhand, but If I can think of more, I will happily share.

Beas had some good ones, and yeah, I do believe the taxi was $25 from STI to Sosua. Actually not a bad deal, considering the distance. But compared to the rock bottom fares for CaribeTours bus, it's significantly more money. (Not to mention the priceless serenity of traveling through the countryside, and seeing the beautiful chicas along the way).

I don't know how much AA is asking for, but that $50 (round trip) you'd spend on a cab could be applied to the cost of an AA flight to POP rather than a JetBlue flight to STI. Maybe you'll come out ahead. In the very least you'd a) be much closer to Sosua, b) you probably wouldn't have to arrive in the middle of friggin' night like JetBlue, (pain in the ass) AND c) you would avoid having to stay the night paying for a hotel in $$$antiago.

04-09-2005, 08:34 PM
Glad you guys approve. I love getting and sharing the kind of information that a tourist book would never reveal. I can't think of anything else offhand, but If I can think of more, I will happily share.

Beas had some good ones, and yeah, I do believe the taxi was $25 from STI to Sosua. Actually not a bad deal, considering the distance. But compared to the rock bottom fares for CaribeTours bus, it's significantly more money. (Not to mention the priceless serenity of traveling through the countryside, and seeing the beautiful chicas along the way).

I don't know how much AA is asking for, but that $50 (round trip) you'd spend on a cab could be applied to the cost of an AA flight to POP rather than a JetBlue flight to STI. Maybe you'll come out ahead. In the very least you'd a) be much closer to Sosua, b) you probably wouldn't have to arrive in the middle of friggin' night like JetBlue, (pain in the ass) AND c) you would avoid having to stay the night paying for a hotel in $$$antiago.

Where do you get a taxi for 25 these days. :?:

Bug Boy
04-09-2005, 08:50 PM
Mr Chocha Man,

That is one Hell of a Post. The Admins should make it a sticky. This definetly blelongs on a list of must reads before posting for newbies to this board like myself.

My favorite part of your post is:

4. Be a Man and break out of your comfort zone. Sosua is not a large town. In fact it is pretty small. YET, when I read these boards I amazed at the fact that some people have never ventured past, say, La Passions Massage spot, or even realize that there's place to go and eat on Alejo Martinez beyond the baseball park.

I fall into that category. I love to get out and walk to different places, always looking in front and back. The things that you can see if you travel out a little further are amazing. I love to leave the tourist area and see the local sights. Always giving the due respect to the locals. It is there home so don't go pissing in the street cause you drank too much beer.

Thanks again............from me and all the others who will benefit from this fantastic post

Mr Chocha Man
04-09-2005, 09:05 PM
Glad you guys approve. I love getting and sharing the kind of information that a tourist book would never reveal. I can't think of anything else offhand, but If I can think of more, I will happily share.

Beas had some good ones, and yeah, I do believe the taxi was $25 from STI to Sosua. Actually not a bad deal, considering the distance. But compared to the rock bottom fares for CaribeTours bus, it's significantly more money. (Not to mention the priceless serenity of traveling through the countryside, and seeing the beautiful chicas along the way).

I don't know how much AA is asking for, but that $50 (round trip) you'd spend on a cab could be applied to the cost of an AA flight to POP rather than a JetBlue flight to STI. Maybe you'll come out ahead. In the very least you'd a) be much closer to Sosua, b) you probably wouldn't have to arrive in the middle of friggin' night like JetBlue, (pain in the ass) AND c) you would avoid having to stay the night paying for a hotel in $$$antiago.

Where do you get a taxi for 25 these days. :?:

Whoops. You are probably right. (That's why you're JimmyDR).
I forgot, when I last caught a cab from STI airport to Sousa, the exchange rate was like 44-1. Of course that's not the case anymore, so the price must've gone up. My bad.

But I do think that somehow the there's got to be a balance between going via STI or going directly from POP. I think either way you are gonna pay. In time or money. "Six in one hand, half-a-dozen in the other," you know?

04-09-2005, 11:06 PM
I LOVE YOU GUYS :wink: KNOW CAN WE HAVE A GROUP HUUUUUUUUGGG :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

04-10-2005, 10:34 AM
I thought i saw a coupon for a Soronji BBBJ in the local Sosua newspaper!! :wink:

04-10-2005, 11:20 AM
I thought i saw a coupon for a Soronji BBBJ in the local Sosua newspaper!! :wink:

Cost me 1200 Pesos to run that ad.....

Bug Boy
04-10-2005, 11:57 AM
Seriously speaking gentlemen,

I am a member of another mongering forum. As a paid member I received an identification card. This other board has a listing of places that will give you a discount upon presentation of your id card. For me, it works great. No guessing, no negotiations, plus you receive a little better treatment upon presentation of your id card. The reason for a little extra service is obvious. The vendor does not want bad reviews posted as a nice percentage of their buisness comes from the members.

Discounts range from MPs, Restaurants, Lodging, Fishing, Transportation, etc.

Instead of ISOC members spending time cutting coupons, they should spend time to see if this board can move into the 21st Century and assist its members in a like manner.

Only my 2 cents as a newbie member to this board.

04-10-2005, 12:06 PM
Seriously speaking gentlemen,

I am a member of another mongering forum. As a paid member I received an identification card. This other board has a listing of places that will give you a discount upon presentation of your id card. For me, it works great. No guessing, no negotiations, plus you receive a little better treatment upon presentation of your id card. The reason for a little extra service is obvious. The vendor does not want bad reviews posted as a nice percentage of their buisness comes from the members.

Discounts range from MPs, Restaurants, Lodging, Fishing, Transportation, etc.

Instead of ISOC members spending time cutting coupons, they should spend time to see if this board can move into the 21st Century and assist its members in a like manner.

Only my 2 cents as a newbie member to this board.

what other board are you referring to?

Bug Boy
04-10-2005, 12:22 PM
what other board are you referring to?

I sent you a PM.

04-10-2005, 12:53 PM
what other board are you referring to?

I sent you a PM.

The Costa Rica Board.

04-10-2005, 12:55 PM
what other board are you referring to?

I sent you a PM.

The Costa Rica Board.


04-15-2005, 08:27 PM
El caucho hotel in Boca Chica offers a 10% discount to I.s.o.c members
various reviews from I.s.o.c members who have stayed here..
check out the hotel and rip report section for boca chica..
check us out

Mister NYC
04-15-2005, 09:33 PM
El caucho hotel in Boca Chica offers a 10% discount to I.s.o.c members
various reviews from I.s.o.c members who have stayed here..
check out the hotel and rip report section for boca chica..
check us out

I heard and read the BC scene was just nothing anymore since the crack down by police on places known for the game. Why visit BC?

04-15-2005, 10:43 PM
I heard and read the BC scene was just nothing anymore since the crack down by police on places known for the game. Why visit BC?

I heard the same but check the BC section . . . it's been busy . . .