View Full Version : Borderline Failed State under Fernandez

10-06-2010, 03:40 PM
Haiti continues to be defined as a Failed State in the annual index published by the United States Foreign Policy magazine, as it occupies the #11 position out of 177 countries. Meanwhile, although it improved by five places and is located now at number 93, the Dominican Republic continues to be defined as a borderline Failed State. Somalia, Chad, Sudan, Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Central African Republic, Guinea and Pakistan are the leading countries on the world rankings that Foreign Policy develops together with the Fund for Peace, and which is detailed in the August-September edition of this year.
Haiti is the only country in the region that appears among the leading countries on the list, with Colombia at 46 and Bolivia at 53, slots that place these countries "at risk". Ecuador is at number 69, Honduras at 76, Guatemala at 72, followed by Cuba at 77, all nations that come before Venezuela that occupies the number 82 slot on the list.
Since 2007 Haiti has been ranked between 11 and 14. This year it achieved a score of 101.6 in the index that, according to the magazine, is based on 90,000 public information sources that evaluate the countries within 12 parameters of decomposition of the State, from refugee movement to economic implosion and human rights violations to security threats.
The Dominican Republic received a score of 76.8, according to the Spanish edition of the magazine that is edited by the Washington Post.
The publication stresses that there are countries that have managed to improve their situation over time and points out that "few remember today that the Dominican Republic vied with its neighbor, Haiti, for the title of 'worst case' in the Caribbean".
www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/06/21/2010_failed_states_index_interactive_map_and_rankings (http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2010/06/21/2010_failed_states_index_interactive_map_and_rankings)

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