View Full Version : Weakened institutions

10-07-2010, 04:10 PM
Writing in Hoy newspaper, lawyer Luis Scheker Ortiz describes democracy depends on respect for institutions. He says that a country's institutions are the political-juridical compendium of a nation as established by the Constitution, and complementary laws. He writes that they need to be rigorously followed by all the powers of the state, whether civilian or military, governors or governed, without rank or distinction.
"Failure to observe them, violation or weakening, on the contrary, leads to chaos," he writes, "to abuse of power and authority, widespread disorder, juridical and citizen insecurity, and impunity. To rebellion and repression and possible implementing of an irresponsible dictatorship: all the opposite of what a real functional and efficient democracy should be," he comments.
He says that the front page of Hoy on 30 September highlighted the country's institutional collapse in a clear and alarming way. One headline: "They will await the return of Leonel to choose members of the JCE." He makes the point that this refers to the Senators, to whom the Constitution of the Republic grants independence in electing the members of the Central Electoral Board (Art. 80). He then questions the need to wait for the President when there is supposed independence between government branches and it is the Senate's responsibility.
He also points to an article in Hoy that same day quoting the Chief of the Police as saying that he had not committed any excesses. He says this means the excesses will continue, in contrast with his first statements. He comments that this means the Police, a civilian institution that depends on the Ministry of Interior and Police, will continue with impunity with the abuses and crimes it is known for, as reported in the press.
"Added to these two cases are many others that are evidence that our institutions are not working as they should. They do not respect themselves or demand respect. We are in a situation of institutional and moral collapse," he observes. He concludes: "Without solid institutions, of rule of law, progress is not possible."

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