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View Full Version : Robberies Aimed at Car Drivers in DR

10-11-2010, 11:48 AM
It seems the Modus Operendi is to have a kid, who doesn't draw much attention, throw a rock at your car, and when you stop, out jump a group of men -- armed with guns -- to rob you.


10-11-2010, 12:27 PM
I already have a chica to keep me off the roads at the time of night this is happening. I will never rent a car again. Too much bullshit. Stay in the hotel and play with the chicas. Thats my advice.

Have the chicas come to you.

10-11-2010, 04:29 PM
this happens all over the world. been happening here in the states for years.

10-11-2010, 07:05 PM
Oh my god. Here we go with this shit again. Geez.

10-11-2010, 07:29 PM
Oh my god. Here we go with this shit again. Geez.

I'm not too overly concerned about this, but I posted it just to let y'all know that SERIOUS SHIT DOES HAPPEN in the DR, this is just not a case of crying wolf.

Read the thread in the DR1 group, many people have stated that they were victims or knew someone that was. This rock throwing crap is not just an isolated incident.

If you were a victim of a felonious crime in the DR, you wouldn't think "here we go with this shit again...."

The point of this thread is be aware of the potential dangers that could possibly happen out there...

This won't change my vacation plans at all, but personally, myself, I like to know what kind of crimes are happening and where in the DR, so I can take the necessary precautions to possibly prevent it happening to me!!!!

But sometimes even if you do take precautions, it's just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time....a victim of fate, like this person driving their car near Encuentro.

10-11-2010, 08:01 PM
I'm not too overly concerned about this, but I posted it just to let y'all know that SERIOUS SHIT DOES HAPPEN in the DR, this is just not a case of crying wolf.

Ok, but it's not isolated to the DR. If you're driving thru the Bronx at 2am and somebody hits your rear bumper at a stop sign....drive away fast. Cause they're probably going to stick a 9mm in your ear and jack your car.
Same thing.

10-11-2010, 08:05 PM
It's happened in Costa Rica, punk throws a rock at gringo's car to get him out then the gang jumps him to steal his wallet.

10-11-2010, 08:18 PM
Before I read the thread in DR1, it was the first I heard rock throwing robberies.

But the again, I live out in the country in PA, not a real high-crime area.

Not too many crimes where I live, because all the redneck country boys that live around me all have guns. Break into their house while they're home, and too bad for you.

I keep a loaded 12 gauge w/double-odd buck near my front door. I pity the fool that tries to jack me in my house, he'll have a nice surprise.

Oh, and I keep a loaded .45 auto near my bed. And I've got an AK with a couple of 75 round drum magazines plus my other assorted rifles, shotguns, and handguns as well.

10-11-2010, 08:49 PM
What are you packing in vacation in the DR....nada

Use your own "spidey-sense" or BS detector but shit does happen and while more of it gets reported there is a lot, perhaps most of it that does not.

Stick your head in the sand or be too much of a know-it-all at your own peril...

YouTube - Spiderman Cartoon-Spidey meet Carnage part1 (http://il.youtube.com/watch?v=--cT_78o1i0)

10-11-2010, 10:21 PM
Do not drive with valuables

Do not stop, continue driving

Install an impact proof windshield

Avoid known areas and/or hours where it might happen

Report the incident immediately to PN/friends

Drive a motherfucka pickup with a camel skull on top

Always carry your submashine gun of choice and use it aggresively when the desicion to use was made

If you lose hearing for a moment and feel your vehicle shudder as if it has been hit by a tank shell then know you just got " a stone for Danny Fisher".

10-12-2010, 07:03 AM
You certainly don't stop, that's for sure.

A guy was shot and killed two nights before in the same area using the same technique where I got the shot in the windshield.

FWIW, the cops say they caught the culprits. Very possible, as there hasn't been another attempted attack since then.

10-12-2010, 11:53 AM
You certainly don't stop, that's for sure.

A guy was shot and killed two nights before in the same area using the same technique where I got the shot in the windshield.

FWIW, the cops say they caught the culprits. Very possible, as there hasn't been another attempted attack since then.

What area are you talking about, MrHappy, Sosua??? :confused:

10-12-2010, 02:06 PM
What area are you talking about, MrHappy, Sosua??? :confused:

In my particular case, it's near where I work, in Haina, near Santo Domingo.

But the point is, it's not a Dominican thing, or a Sosua thing. It happens all over the world.

10-12-2010, 03:24 PM
I've been the victim of two robberies in the DR...all in the same trip, not a good experience, but it hasn't stopped me from going. One attempt was successful because it was two guys from the military with Assault Rifles...he just heckled us for some gas money, but whatever...scared the shit outta me and blew my buzz. Then there was another time that a security guard at one of the prestigious gated communities tried to break in at night...damn shame what happened to him and that whole company eventually...jus always be on your Ps and Qs...

Thank you for the heads-up

Mr Hillbilly
10-12-2010, 06:24 PM
Before I read the thread in DR1, it was the first I heard rock throwing robberies.

But the again, I live out in the country in PA, not a real high-crime area.

Not too many crimes where I live, because all the redneck country boys that live around me all have guns. Break into their house while they're home, and too bad for you.

I keep a loaded 12 gauge w/double-odd buck near my front door. I pity the fool that tries to jack me in my house, he'll have a nice surprise.

Oh, and I keep a loaded .45 auto near my bed. And I've got an AK with a couple of 75 round drum magazines plus my other assorted rifles, shotguns, and handguns as well.

Ditto here; no stone throwers or looters they would get shot.

Frito with all that Perfume smuggling cigarette talk into Medellin I thought you might be a puss---

Now I think--- I have a brother? LMAO

10-12-2010, 10:45 PM
Before I read the thread in DR1, it was the first I heard rock throwing robberies.

But the again, I live out in the country in PA, not a real high-crime area.

Not too many crimes where I live, because all the redneck country boys that live around me all have guns. Break into their house while they're home, and too bad for you.

I keep a loaded 12 gauge w/double-odd buck near my front door. I pity the fool that tries to jack me in my house, he'll have a nice surprise.

Oh, and I keep a loaded .45 auto near my bed. And I've got an AK with a couple of 75 round drum magazines plus my other assorted rifles, shotguns, and handguns as well.

Well I think you have enough weapons :lol: Just a thought with no disrespect intended to a fellow gun lover. If you feel the need for a loaded alley sweeper by the door and a 45 by the bed you might want to consider a safer place to live. :lol::wink:

75 round magazines damn and I thought I was extreme. :eek::rofl:

10-12-2010, 11:08 PM
I have lived in Sosua for a year and have wintered here for many years and have always felt safe...You must realize that the streets are dangerous as are on thet night as in any town..at 2 am crazy shit happens..drunks are on the roads..

Mr Hillbilly
10-13-2010, 12:52 AM
Well I think you have enough weapons :lol: Just a thought with no disrespect intended to a fellow gun lover. If you feel the need for a loaded alley sweeper by the door and a 45 by the bed you might want to consider a safer place to live. :lol::wink:

75 round magazines damn and I thought I was extreme. :eek::rofl:

Got news for you Mike not everyone lives in the city like you---

No house visable in either direction from my house nor is there cell phone coverage from any network.

10-13-2010, 06:48 AM
I've been the victim of two robberies in the DR...all in the same trip, not a good experience, but it hasn't stopped me from going. One attempt was successful because it was two guys from the military with Assault Rifles...he just heckled us for some gas money, but whatever...scared the shit outta me and blew my buzz. Then there was another time that a security guard at one of the prestigious gated communities tried to break in at night...damn shame what happened to him and that whole company eventually...jus always be on your Ps and Qs...

Thank you for the heads-up

Shit, I don't even consider that situation a robbery......

Mr Hillbilly
10-13-2010, 08:05 AM
Shit, I don't even consider that situation a robbery......

I wish he would just fill us in about both and which gated community?

Hispanola? Sea Horse Ranch?

10-13-2010, 09:38 AM
Got news for you Mike not everyone lives in the city like you---

No house visable in either direction from my house nor is there cell phone coverage from any network.

I don't live in a city

I live half the week at my lake place in the woods where I can't see another house except across the lake a half mile away since my property borders Gov't land. The nearest town is 9 miles to a town of 300 people.

The other half of the week I live in what I consider outer suburbia but most would consider a rural area 3 miles from a very small city where all houses have to be on 5 acres lots minimum in this county. Here I am 45 minutes to 1 hour from Minneapolis and can still shoot deer on my property. Even though there are 8 homes in the hills I live in it is heavily wooded and with 5 acre minimums I can only see one neighbors house. We have to have satellite internet to get high speed and have a well and septic not too much like city living.

I think it would be alot more dangerous to live in a big city. When I did there was crime everywhere and still is. Here the local paper prints when they catch a shoplifter at Walmart and if someone is picked up for peeing in one of the parks. Oh I forgot there were 3 gas drive offs without paying too. :rofl:

10-13-2010, 07:54 PM
Well I think you have enough weapons :lol: Just a thought with no disrespect intended to a fellow gun lover. If you feel the need for a loaded alley sweeper by the door and a 45 by the bed you might want to consider a safer place to live. :lol::wink:

75 round magazines damn and I thought I was extreme. :eek::rofl:

Well, you never know when a pack of crazed Hari Krishnas might try to commit a home invasion, and just in case that happens, I'm prepared!!!!! LOL....

10-13-2010, 10:57 PM
Well, you never know when a pack of crazed Hari Krishnas might try to commit a home invasion, and just in case that happens, I'm prepared!!!!! LOL....

I hear ya bro those naked hoodlums can show up in the strangest places :rofl:

I agree with you Bandito many people here either have conceal and carry or simply legally carry cased in there vehicles. Hell my Double Bareel !2 Gauge Coach gun I use on my 4 wheeler is cased on the floor in the front of the SUV.

If enough law abiding people have weapons I firmly believe the scumbags will have less of an advantage. :wink: But I don't need any AK's, Just me.

10-14-2010, 06:09 PM
Here is a post from DR1 chatroom that someone reposted. It's dated from 2007, but the point is that the DR can be a dangerous place, don't be deluded that it is a "Corona Beer Beach paradise" with no criminal element to speak of.

Encuentro is a notoriously dicey area, perhaps because of its proximity to the poverty in La Cienega. Below are some valuable observations about crime at Encuentro by Greenzulu on June 4, 2007. At the time he was living in a gated development in the Encuentro/Coconut Palms neighborhood:

"DR1 posts often contain, as a group, more mudslinging, sarcasm, rhetoric, rhetorical "historical" references, insults, bragging, fault-finding, finger pointing, I've-been-here-longer and general gringo too-much-time-on-my-hands drivel than information. More straight facts would be helpful, although perhaps less entertaining to the writer.

No one on DR1 appears to have the hard statistics to define, predict, or even comment usefully on "crime trends." Occasionally there are useful facts or intelligent comments, which makes it worth scanning DR1 to find the pearls amidst many swinelike posts. Long-timers, short-timers, small minders -- what a waste of space.

As of today, June 4th, there have been four armed robberies in 90 days within 250 yards of my house near Cabarete. This is not rumour; I saw the residents half-dressed and tied up in one case, and spoke to those whose dog was shot in front of them in a second case [the robbers making a point]. The two other houses were unoccupied at the time, so we don't know whether the robbers had arms or not.

A fifth attempted robbery five days ago was broken up by a security guard with a shotgun. He apprehended one out of two; purportedly the one, now in jail, gave up his three friends [not good for his future health]. Two Dominicans, two Haitians. Criminals don't seem to share the DR/Haitian cultural conflict. They may, or may not, have been implicated in the other robberies; the one apprehended was not armed. The armed robbers behaved like people with military or police training: gun trained, pointing with free hand, other stuff. One should assume they were different people.

A few days ago two doctors from Gaspar Hernandez were followed by a white Montero, which pulled alongside and flagged them to stop. They accelerated, it dropped behind -- and started shooting. It then pulled alongside again, and the doctors popped three rounds of their own at the Montero. It droped back again and followed for awhile more until they stopped in a populated area. Later they received a call from the police saying that the assailants were policement who thought they were chasing "delinquentes." I wouldn't think that likely.

At a security gate near my house, two weeks ago, a Haitian cleaning woman on the way to work at 7PM was threatened with rape by three youths, purportedly manning the gate. She was saved by a Haitian moto conch driver.

In the last three days, the hinges [external, bad idea on the builder's part] on one of my downstairs windows were half pried out. My house is mostly secured by heavy metal. The vertical, upward-carved scratches from the screwdriver slipping off from time to time are visible above both hinges. It was probably done to ready them for a final, brief push in order to get in quickly. I have taken adequate countermeasures.

The comment made regarding the cycle of new development/abandoned development makes sense. Criminals will always go for low-hanging fruit. Moreover, as was also correctly mentioned, "Cabarete people" are unlikely to be responsible for most of the crime. I know personally of gangs that operate in this area out of Santiago with some regularity, and there are undoubtedly gangs from other cities. They are both Dominican and Haitian.

All of the foregoing is based on first-hand knowledge. I think this is my second post in two years, I doubt they will become more frequent. I hope it is useful.

For the record, I think the DR is a lovely place to live, and Dominicans are a friendly, cheerful lot as a whole. But it is not an appropriate place to take many chances with your safety or family, or for those unprepared to pay a price in vigilance for what they save in housing costs and bad northern weather. There are serious disparities in wealth here, poorly-paid police, and a lack of crime prevention technology, which adds up to a need for considerable self-sufficiency and reliable local information, however obtained. As the SAS teach, it helps to be the grey man.

Be careful.

10-14-2010, 06:41 PM
This is another variation on an old crime.......When I was a younger man the criminals used women to get motorists to stop. While they were talking to the girl, they would get jacked for the car, money and quite often the clothes they were wearing. It is also done with stranded motorists (flat tire), injured kids, and sometimes here with people who say they are undercover police performing checkpoints at night.

10-15-2010, 07:46 PM
I don't live in a city

I live half the week at my lake place in the woods where I can't see another house except across the lake a half mile away since my property borders Gov't land. The nearest town is 9 miles to a town of 300 people.

The other half of the week I live in what I consider outer suburbia but most would consider a rural area 3 miles from a very small city where all houses have to be on 5 acres lots minimum in this county. Here I am 45 minutes to 1 hour from Minneapolis and can still shoot deer on my property. Even though there are 8 homes in the hills I live in it is heavily wooded and with 5 acre minimums I can only see one neighbors house. We have to have satellite internet to get high speed and have a well and septic not too much like city living.

I think it would be alot more dangerous to live in a big city. When I did there was crime everywhere and still is. Here the local paper prints when they catch a shoplifter at Walmart and if someone is picked up for peeing in one of the parks. Oh I forgot there were 3 gas drive offs without paying too. :rofl:

I'm going to bed by 10:00 p.m., because tomorrow is the first day of early muzzleloader deer season in PA. I'm going to break in my reproduction circa 1760's Pennsylvania Lancaster-style .54 rifle. Had it made from a Jim Chambers rifle kit, my friend put it together and did fancy engravings to the stock and furniture on the gun.



10-17-2010, 12:16 PM
Here is a post from DR1 chatroom that someone reposted. It's dated from 2007, but the point is that the DR can be a dangerous place, don't be deluded that it is a "Corona Beer Beach paradise" with no criminal element to speak of.

Encuentro is a notoriously dicey area, perhaps because of its proximity to the poverty in La Cienega. Below are some valuable observations about crime at Encuentro by Greenzulu on June 4, 2007. At the time he was living in a gated development in the Encuentro/Coconut Palms neighborhood:

"DR1 posts often contain, as a group, more mudslinging, sarcasm, rhetoric, rhetorical "historical" references, insults, bragging, fault-finding, finger pointing, I've-been-here-longer and general gringo too-much-time-on-my-hands drivel than information. More straight facts would be helpful, although perhaps less entertaining to the writer.

No one on DR1 appears to have the hard statistics to define, predict, or even comment usefully on "crime trends." Occasionally there are useful facts or intelligent comments, which makes it worth scanning DR1 to find the pearls amidst many swinelike posts. Long-timers, short-timers, small minders -- what a waste of space.

As of today, June 4th, there have been four armed robberies in 90 days within 250 yards of my house near Cabarete. This is not rumour; I saw the residents half-dressed and tied up in one case, and spoke to those whose dog was shot in front of them in a second case [the robbers making a point]. The two other houses were unoccupied at the time, so we don't know whether the robbers had arms or not.

A fifth attempted robbery five days ago was broken up by a security guard with a shotgun. He apprehended one out of two; purportedly the one, now in jail, gave up his three friends [not good for his future health]. Two Dominicans, two Haitians. Criminals don't seem to share the DR/Haitian cultural conflict. They may, or may not, have been implicated in the other robberies; the one apprehended was not armed. The armed robbers behaved like people with military or police training: gun trained, pointing with free hand, other stuff. One should assume they were different people.

A few days ago two doctors from Gaspar Hernandez were followed by a white Montero, which pulled alongside and flagged them to stop. They accelerated, it dropped behind -- and started shooting. It then pulled alongside again, and the doctors popped three rounds of their own at the Montero. It droped back again and followed for awhile more until they stopped in a populated area. Later they received a call from the police saying that the assailants were policement who thought they were chasing "delinquentes." I wouldn't think that likely.

At a security gate near my house, two weeks ago, a Haitian cleaning woman on the way to work at 7PM was threatened with rape by three youths, purportedly manning the gate. She was saved by a Haitian moto conch driver.

In the last three days, the hinges [external, bad idea on the builder's part] on one of my downstairs windows were half pried out. My house is mostly secured by heavy metal. The vertical, upward-carved scratches from the screwdriver slipping off from time to time are visible above both hinges. It was probably done to ready them for a final, brief push in order to get in quickly. I have taken adequate countermeasures.

The comment made regarding the cycle of new development/abandoned development makes sense. Criminals will always go for low-hanging fruit. Moreover, as was also correctly mentioned, "Cabarete people" are unlikely to be responsible for most of the crime. I know personally of gangs that operate in this area out of Santiago with some regularity, and there are undoubtedly gangs from other cities. They are both Dominican and Haitian.

All of the foregoing is based on first-hand knowledge. I think this is my second post in two years, I doubt they will become more frequent. I hope it is useful.

For the record, I think the DR is a lovely place to live, and Dominicans are a friendly, cheerful lot as a whole. But it is not an appropriate place to take many chances with your safety or family, or for those unprepared to pay a price in vigilance for what they save in housing costs and bad northern weather. There are serious disparities in wealth here, poorly-paid police, and a lack of crime prevention technology, which adds up to a need for considerable self-sufficiency and reliable local information, however obtained. As the SAS teach, it helps to be the grey man.

Be careful.
A group tried to rob us at the Jos Covent's development at Encuentro in 2007. They couldn't get in. One robber/killer tried to shoot me 4X through the kitchen window.