View Full Version : Psychiatrist joins calls for changes in law

10-11-2010, 06:30 PM
In what is becoming a common cause, the president of the Dominican Psychiatric Society warned that "from a mental health point of view, minors involved in criminal acts do not reform, and their behavior will continue to be the same until the day they are taken to the grave". Dr. Alejandro Uribe Peguero also revealed that minors who kill, steal and commit other crimes are completely aware, the same as adults, that their actions are not correct.
Interviewed on the D'Agenda television program, he added that the part of the brain of a minor or of an adult who plans a crime is the same part that warns that what they are about to do is wrong.
There have been complaints from some quarters that gangs of minors steal and rob under the direction of adults who take advantage of the protection provided by the Code for Minors. Also, it has been claimed that these children are used for "delivery" in order to distribute drugs.
Uribe Peguero described the arguments from defenders of criminal minors as "ridiculous" and "chauvinistic" when they say that children are not ready to receive severe sentences when they commit premeditated crimes.
He told Diario Libre reporters and others that a five-year sentence is not sufficient to allow an individual who has committed a brutal crime to return to society.

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