View Full Version : Falcondo operations to restart

10-12-2010, 07:20 PM
Anglo-Swiss mining company Xstrata PLC announced today that processing is to resume at its ferronickel plant in Bonao. The company expects to restart processing at 50% of its total production capacity. It is responding to improved market conditions. The plant had shut down in August 2008 reportedly as a result of weak demand. The plant is expected to produce roughly 14,000 tons of ferronickel a year by March 2011, and efforts to reduce costs will continue. The company expects to convert to natural gas power generation in the near future.
See: www.xstrata.com/media/news/2010/10/12/1400CET/pdf (http://www.xstrata.com/media/news/2010/10/12/1400CET/pdf)

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