View Full Version : Jacques Attali's 7 priorities

10-13-2010, 03:40 PM
French economist and consultant Jacques Attali has suggested lines of action for the Dominican government to follow in order to create the conditions needed for applying the National Development Strategy (END) proposed by different sectors of the nation. According to El Nuevo Diario, some of these priorities are: strengthening confidence in public institutions, providing quality public services, educating future generations, preparing the country and opening it to foreign competition by organizing the financing of an international development strategy.
Attali also mentioned environmental protection, organizing the infrastructure, integrating the country into the region and international competition.
Attali, accompanied by his team of specialist advisors and the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, Temistocles Montas, delivered his findings during a press conference in the Orlando Martinez Room of the Presidential Palace.
He was very clear on one point: "Today, no National Development Strategy can be implemented as long as the citizenry does not have confidence in Dominican institutions".
He pointed out that it is not an issue of lack of confidence in the government, "but rather a lack of confidence each day with each other, a lack of trust not just of the public sector, but also with the private sector, where the people do not pay for electricity and where there is a need for mutual trust".

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