View Full Version : Growing support for re-election

10-27-2010, 03:10 PM
The 2010 Constitution, pushed through Congress by President Leonel Fernandez himself, does not allow him to run for President in 2012, but it appears that re-election continues to be a priority issue for his party. Despite criticisms of actions seeking to change the brand new constitution, a third of PLD deputies in Congress are promoting the re-election of President Fernandez in 2012. According to reports, more than 50 deputies from the PLD are pushing for Fernandez to stay in government. They are joined by 23 PLD senators who want the same thing.
Article 124 of the new Constitution states that the President is elected for a four-year period and cannot be elected for consecutive periods. But yesterday, La Vega deputy Mario Hidalgo said that the legislators believed that Fernandez was the PLD's best asset and this was why they were supporting his re-election. He mentioned that this group includes Lupe Nunez (Duarte), Altagracia Gonzalez (Santiago), Plutarco Perez (La Romana), Francis Mancebo (San Jose de Ocoa) and Juan Carlos Quinones (Puerto Plata).
In the upper chamber, 23 senators (out of a total of 32) who support the re-nomination are willing to promote the President in the next few days. Pedernales senator Dionis Sanchez has said that the current Constitution does not impede Fernandez from running for a new period. He mentioned Tommy Galan and Luis Rene Canaan among others who are supporting this.
Diario Libre says that the opposition PRD has expressed its total rejection of the re-election of the President because it believes it to be in violation of the 2010 Constitution.

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