View Full Version : Four more years to get richer

11-01-2010, 02:30 PM
The bishop of the diocese of Mao-Montecristi, Diomedes Espinal has accused government officials who are promoting President Fernandez's re-election of pursuing their own wealth, while the country remains in poverty, as reported in Hoy. "Like a calf that is feeding does not want to be removed from the udder, it is natural for those who are stuck to the government, who are becoming millionaires over a short period, to seek re-election," said the priest.
"Why four more years, if it is to make the rich richer and the poor, poorer?" he asked after a mass in Casimaneas, in Santiago Rodriguez, as reported in Hoy. He criticized government officials who are just talk but have not tackled the reconstruction of the Santiago Rodriguez highway.
Dajabon parish priest Regino Martinez says that promoting presidential re-election shows a lack of respect towards the population when the recent constitutional reform bans it.

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