View Full Version : Less optimism

08-15-2006, 06:40 PM
A Gallup-Hoy poll published in Monday's Hoy newspaper showed that Dominicans are less optimistic about their country's state of affairs. When questioned if they thought that things in the DR are on the wrong or right road, 51.3% responded that they thought the country was on the wrong road, compared to when the question was asked in April this year when 40% were pessimistic. Only 12% thought that the current economic conditions were good or very good, and 63% were pessimistic. On a personal level, 57% said they were doing worse than their perception in April 2006. However, support for the President himself continues high, with 55.4% saying that they think he is doing a good or very good job.
Nevertheless, 44% feel the DR will be better off in two years time, and only 34% think that the country will be worse off.
The Central Bank recently announced that the economy grew by 11.7% during the first half of the year.
55% of those polled felt that the President's cabinet was doing a mediocre or poor job. The survey was carried out from 3 to 5 August and 1,200 people over the age of 18 were interviewed.

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