View Full Version : Movement for a general wage increase

08-15-2006, 06:40 PM
Judging by interviews carried out by Hoy newspaper, there could be a movement under way to push for a general wage increase. Despite an inflation rate of around 3.5%, transport, telephone and electricity services have increased in price. Labor Minister Jose Ramon Fadul told Hoy newspaper that "in due course the President will give the information on whether a wage increase is advisable or not, and whether the Dominican government can tolerate another increase in the short term, even though I am sure it is his wish that there should be a wage increase".
The Confederacion Nacional de Unidad Sindical (CNUS) said that it is about to start efforts to seek an overall 40% wage increase from private companies. Union spokesperson Rafael Abreu said that the last general wage increase was 21 months ago. Even though the currency has been stable and there have not been any marked price rises, the purchasing power of wages is critical. CNUS wants more than an increase in the minimum wage. He estimated that 90% of workers in the DR make under RD$15,000 per month. The minimum wage for large companies is RD$6,400; while those in the medium range pay RD$4,600 and RD$3,600 for small companies. He said that the Central Bank has established the basic basket cost at RD$8,300.

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