View Full Version : THIS IS THE END, my friends....

Don Tomas
04-12-2005, 04:48 PM
Gentlemen if you want to cry please continue reading...


Todos los centros de prostitución, incluyendo en los que bailan y se exhiben mujeres desnudas, serán cerrados por el Ministerio Público, informó hoy el procurador general de la República, doctor Francisco DomÃ*nguez Brito.

El funcionario dijo que el cierre de esos negocios no sólo abarca los centros de masaje sino todos aquellos que se dedican al ejercicio de la prostitución.

"El Ministerio Público tiene instrucciones a nivel nacional, no sólo la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional sino también el Departamento de Trata y Tráfico IlÃ*cito. Diferentes fiscalÃ*as han hecho operativos similares y estamos apoyando el trabajo de todo el Ministerio Público", precisó en rueda de prensa DomÃ*nguez Brito.

Sostuvo que los operativos no sólo tienen que ver con el caso de los menores sino todo lo que concierna a la trata de personas y prostitución.

Dijo que en el paÃ*s hay muchas personas que se aprovechan de la pobreza de las mujeres para llevarlas a centros y abusar de ellas, y por vÃ*a de consecuencia poner a la República Dominicana como una nación donde se ofrecen favores sexuales.

Observó que eso va contra la dignidad del paÃ*s y las mujeres dominicanas, razón por la que encomendó a los fiscales para que sean drásticos contra esa práctica.

"Los Ministerio Públicos de todas las provincias están en la obligación de actuar contra eso, contra una serie de centros también que indudablemente constituyen un negocio y fin organizado de trata y que está haciendo mucho daño a la población dominicana", subrayó DomÃ*nguez Brito.

A juicio de DomÃ*nguez Brito, no es posible que el paÃ*s se siga vendiendo en el extranjero como un destino sexual, razón por la que serán cerrados los centros de esa naturaleza.

"Absolutamente todos, sin distinción, Boca Chica ha sido una prioridad para el Ministerio Público. Hoy Boca Chica no es lo mismo de hace cuatro o cinco meses, y todavÃ*a hay dificultad, pero vamos a seguir", dijo DomÃ*nguez Brito.

El jueves pasado la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional cerró, como parte de las instrucciones de DomÃ*nguez Brito, varios centros de masajes en la capital.

En los centros cerrados, según la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional, se encontraron Drogas, penes sintéticos, "sillas eróticas" con posiciones claves para htener sexo y esposas para sadomasoquismo.

El fiscal José Manuel Hernández Peguero dijo que, por ejemplo, en el "Centro de Estética Omi", ubicado en la calle Leonor de Ovando, de Gazcue, se ocupó aproximadamente libra y media de marihuana, caso por el que solicitarÃ*a prisión preventiva como media de coerción, contra José Manuel López, investigado por violación a la ley 50-88, sobre drogas y sustancias controladas.

Fruto del operativo, la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional depuró a 102 mujeres y 28 hombres apresados en los operativos de clausura de 12 centros de masajes que operaban en Gazcue y en la Zona Universitaria.

En esos negocios, según la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional, se ejercÃ*a la prostitución, se distribuÃ*an drogas y numerosos menores de edad eran utilizados en prácticas reñidas con la ley.

Las 102 mujeres apresadas fueron libertadas sin cargos, mientras los 28 hombres fueron depurados y otros serÃ*an sometidos a la Justicia.

Entre los que fueron detenidos figuraban empleados de los centros de masajes, parroquianos, jóvenes que hacÃ*an labores de masajistas, bartenders, acomodadores de vehÃ*culos, cobradores y otros.

El operativo fue realizado la noche del jueves, a partir de las 9:00, por funcionarios de la FiscalÃ*a del Distrito Nacional y miembros de la Dirección Nacional de Control de Drogas (DNCD) que daban seguimiento a los lugares desde hacÃ*a varios meses.

Entre los centros de masaje clausurados figuran La Reyna Cubana, Cisnes Club Relax, Elegante Center y Estefany Club.

También centros de masaje sin nombre en las calles Santiago, Leonor de Ovando, Danae, Cervantes, Hermanos Deligne, Socorro Sánchez, Independencia y Doctor Delgado, todos en el sector de Gazcue.

All the centers of prostitution, including in which they dance and naked women exhibit themselves, will be closed by the Public Ministry, today informed the general solicitor into the Republic, doctor Francisco DomÃ*nguez Brito. The civil employee said that the closing of those businesses not only includes the centers of massage but all those that are dedicated to the exercise of prostitution. "the Public Ministry has instructions at national level, not only the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District but also the Department of Treats and Illicit Traffic. Different offices of the public prosecutor have made operative similars and we are supporting the work of all the Public Ministry ", needed in press conference DomÃ*nguez Brito. It maintained that the operative ones not only have to do with the case of the minors but everything what concerns deals with people and prostitution. It said that in the country there are many people who take advantage of the poverty of the women to take them to centers and to abuse them, and by way of consequence to put to the Dominican Republic like a nation where sexual favors are offered. It observed that that goes against the dignity of the country and the Dominican women, reason for which entrusted the public prosecutors so that they are drastic against that practice. "the Ministry Public of all the provinces is in the obligation to act against that, against a series of centers also that doubtlessly constitute a business and aim organized of treats and that is making much damage to the Dominican population", it emphasized DomÃ*nguez Brito. In opinion of DomÃ*nguez Brito, it is not possible that the country is continued selling as a sexual destiny abroad, reason for which will be closed the centers of that nature. "Absolutely all, without distinction, Small Mouth has been a priority for the Public Ministry. Today Small Mouth is not the same of does four or five months, and still there is difficulty, but we are going to follow ", said DomÃ*nguez Brito. Last Thursday the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District closed, like part of the instructions of DomÃ*nguez Brito, several centers of massages in the capital. In the centers closed, according to the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District, were synthetic Drugs, penises, "eróticas chairs" with key positions to htener sex and spouses for sadomasochism. The public prosecutor Jose Manuel Hernandez Peguero said that, for example, in the "Center of Aesthetic Omi", located in the street Leonor de Ovando, of Gazcue, he took care approximately frees and average of marijuana, case by which would ask for preventive prison like coercion average, against Jose Manuel Lopez, investigated by violation to law 50-88, on controlled drugs and substances. Fruit of the operative one, the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District purified to 102 women and 28 men catched in the operative ones of closing of 12 centers of massages that operated in Gazcue and the University Zone. In those businesses, according to the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District, prostitution was exerted, drugs were distributed and numerous minor they were used in practices bitter with the law. The 102 catched women were freed without positions, while the 28 men were purified and others would be put under Justice. Between that they were stopped appeared employees of the centers of massages, parroquianos, young people who made workings of masajistas, bartenders, ushers of vehicles, collectors and others. The operative one was made the night of Thursday, from the 9:00, by civil employees of the Office of the public prosecutor of the National District and members of the National Direction of Control of Drogas (DNCD) that gave pursuit to the places several months ago. Between the closed centers of massage they appear the Cuban Reyna, Swans Club Relax, Elegant Center and Estefany Club. Also centers of massage without name in the streets Santiago, Leonor de Ovando, Danae, Cervantes, Deligne Brothers, Aid Sanchez, Independence and Doctor Delgado, all in the sector of Gazcue.

04-12-2005, 04:59 PM
If they really mean this, they would have to close all of Sosua.

04-12-2005, 05:04 PM
If they really mean this, they would have to close all of Sosua.

I don't think they would close all of Sosua, just maybe clean it up some. There is always gonna be an abundance of pussy in the DR, but the infrastructure for sexual tourism might get dismantled.

Reel Deal
04-12-2005, 05:05 PM
I've seen evidence of this coming for a while now. While it will be nearly impossible to stop prostitution, it will certainly make things interesting in the future.

The DR wants nothing more than to shed the image of a Third World country. One characteristic of the Third World is rampant prostitution.

Stay tuned and buckle up, guys; it's going to be an bumpy ride...

04-12-2005, 05:13 PM
Do they plan on giving food stamps or the many thosands of hookers are suppose to get 4,000 a month peso jobs.

Reel Deal
04-12-2005, 05:16 PM
Do they plan on giving food stamps or the many thosands of hookers are suppose to get 4,000 a month peso jobs.It's pretty common for the Big Picture government heavy hitters to not think too much about the little guy.

I think they are more concerned about the country's image, in an effort to pull it out of the economic mud, than the individual puta. We see the same mentality here in the states.

04-12-2005, 05:17 PM
How do they stop you from meeting a girl in a club or the beach and going on a date?

04-12-2005, 05:18 PM
Lets look at Passions and Illusions where it must have cost a lot of money yo build. They will just shut them down with out ease. :?:

Reel Deal
04-12-2005, 05:27 PM
Lets look at Passions and Illusions where it must have cost a lot of money yo build. They will just shut them down with out ease. :?:I dunno. Looks like they did a lot of shutting down in the capital without caring too much about the cost of construction...

It's one thing when a "Cobra" type sweep takes place. It's something ENTIRELY different when a high-ranking National Official makes an official proclamation, and backs it with 130+ arrests. I'd call that the proverbial Shot Across the Bow...

04-12-2005, 05:29 PM
Poor guys didnçt build those places. Rich Dominicans did. It will go underground but it will be there.

04-12-2005, 05:31 PM
Lets look at Passions and Illusions where it must have cost a lot of money yo build. They will just shut them down with out ease. :?:

Maybe they will convert them into correctional facilities, lock up the putas and create more law enforcement and corrections jobs.

Mr Chocha Man
04-12-2005, 05:40 PM
It says the focus is Boca Chica (google translated as "Small Mouth").
The slowing down of Boca Chica--- that's been reported on this board already.

Sosua in and of itself is not a house or business of prostitiution. It's a town, so that will probably take more effort to shut down. Someplace like La Passion however could be endangered.

04-12-2005, 05:41 PM
We will certainly want to watch this closely. :(

04-12-2005, 05:42 PM
An arguement could be made that most of the bars there are set up as places of prosititution. That would shut doan alot of the town.

BTW thanks for the small mouth thing, I wassn't sure what was going on there.

04-12-2005, 05:42 PM
What's all this talk about prostitution, who said anything about prostitution???
I go down to find a girl I would like to date for an hour or two, if I really like her, maybe have her sleep over. I then shower them with a gift of affection, since I don't live there I give them some cash to go buy themselves that gift. Is it my fault that I have trouble keeping girls I meet, I just want to keep looking and making them happy with my gifts of affection!!!!

Prositution....what will they think of next?

04-12-2005, 05:43 PM
What's all this talk about prostitution, who said anything about prostitution???
I go down to find a girl I would like to date for an hour or two, if I really like her, maybe have her sleep over. I then shower them with a gift of affection, since I don't live there I give them some cash to go buy themselves that gift. Is it my fault that I have trouble keeping girls I meet, I just want to keep looking and making them happy with my gifts of affection!!!!

Prositution....what will they think of next?
Now your thinking, you can be my lawyer.

04-12-2005, 05:55 PM
This is all bullshit.

Morality are for those that can afford it.

I've seen this before...Don't worry about it. This means nothing.

There are literally thousands...hundreds of thousands of women that lives off sucking dick to make ends meet.

And with everyone of those women there is a chulo and junior chulito that eats from that BJ dough she brings home.

Since the hotels and tourism are complaining of the weak dollar...the thieves in government decided to attack the other tourism killer culprit...prostitution.

It's all PR bullshit.

Reel Deal
04-12-2005, 05:59 PM
What's all this talk about prostitution, who said anything about prostitution???
I go down to find a girl I would like to date for an hour or two, if I really like her, maybe have her sleep over. I then shower them with a gift of affection, since I don't live there I give them some cash to go buy themselves that gift. Is it my fault that I have trouble keeping girls I meet, I just want to keep looking and making them happy with my gifts of affection!!!!

Prositution....what will they think of next?Tell it to the Dominican Politur as he hauls your butt away...

This ain't America, Johnny Cochran is taking a Dirt Nap, and the DR has no Bill of Rights.

(But I know your j/k... :lol: )

04-12-2005, 06:08 PM
LOL good answer RD how about, "I really don't know how to say this in spanish senor, but I slipped and my dick ended up in her mouth"

04-12-2005, 06:47 PM
This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast, I dont mean for mongers in general but for DR we are the ones that make that country go round with the dollars we spend oh well :roll: to bad for them we will still be on top we live in the US and that is the harsh reality is that they need us down there and they are about to fuck up a good thing.

04-12-2005, 06:57 PM
This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast.

As long as this doesn't fuck-up our wild week which BTW starts in 42 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what does this mean for the here and now :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

04-12-2005, 07:08 PM
This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast.

As long as this doesn't fuck-up our wild week which BTW starts in 42 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So what does this mean for the here and now :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

We'll find out soon, won't we? Don't worry, we'll all get laid plenty this trip. The future could be a problem if they seriously crackdown.

Don Tomas
04-12-2005, 07:10 PM
What's all this talk about prostitution, who said anything about prostitution???
I go down to find a girl I would like to date for an hour or two, if I really like her, maybe have her sleep over. I then shower them with a gift of affection, since I don't live there I give them some cash to go buy themselves that gift. Is it my fault that I have trouble keeping girls I meet, I just want to keep looking and making them happy with my gifts of affection!!!!

Prositution....what will they think of next?Tell it to the Dominican Politur as he hauls your butt away...

This ain't America, Johnny Cochran is taking a Dirt Nap, and the DR has no Bill of Rights.

(But I know your j/k... :lol: )

They won't be hauling away the "Johns". Actually what they want to do is shut down the "night clubs" and MPs from the way I read it, which are major sources of prostitution. There will be girls available BUT you might actually have to rent a car and learn Spanish! :shock:

PS. Anyone want to do a proper translation, it took me 10 minutes to read it in Spanish!


04-12-2005, 07:18 PM
What's all this talk about prostitution, who said anything about prostitution???
I go down to find a girl I would like to date for an hour or two, if I really like her, maybe have her sleep over. I then shower them with a gift of affection, since I don't live there I give them some cash to go buy themselves that gift. Is it my fault that I have trouble keeping girls I meet, I just want to keep looking and making them happy with my gifts of affection!!!!

Prositution....what will they think of next?Tell it to the Dominican Politur as he hauls your butt away...

This ain't America, Johnny Cochran is taking a Dirt Nap, and the DR has no Bill of Rights.

(But I know your j/k... :lol: )

They won't be hauling away the "Johns". Actually what they want to do is shut down the "night clubs" and MPs from the way I read it, which are major sources of prostitution. There will be girls available BUT you might actually have to rent a car and learn Spanish! :shock:

PS. Anyone want to do a proper translation, it took me 10 minutes to read it in Spanish!


Are they going to shut every bar and disco in a country that loves to dance so much, I don't think the government is that strong. Girls love to dance, you can't stop a nation from going out to dance.
Where there are bars, there will be girls, girls will be girls when men are around. I can see them shutting MP's and strip joints but I can't see the bars close, not to mention places like the beach....

Where does a place like Blackbeards or the Palace fit into something like this??

Reel Deal
04-12-2005, 07:20 PM
I was basically joking. I doubt (hope) foreigners would be arrested.

Unless, of course, the Central Gov't. is REALLY serious, and wants to make a few examples to scare others away.

Don't commit hari-kari just yet. But be cool, be cautious, keep your head and mind on a swivel, choose your words carefully, and just use your head.

Prostitution is illegal in the states, too. But if you're cool, you can find all kinds of action.

Don Tomas
04-12-2005, 07:21 PM
I would say for sure Blackbeard's is on the list due to internet advertising. Actually I would love to know how they have stayed in business this long. La Passions got raided due to the internet.

As for the Palace, he could just get rid of the regular putas and be just a chica friendly hotel. The Palace's web site is G-rated.

Don Tomas
04-12-2005, 07:25 PM
Prostitution is illegal in the states, too. But if you're cool, you can find all kinds of action.

This has been confirmed by numerous people, unless they change the law (then I would start worrying), CURRENTLY in the Dominican Republic...

1. Prostitution is completely LEGAL

2. Pimping is ILLEGAL

MPs and "night clubs" are forms of Pimping. Hence why all the girls were released and the men (owners/workers, not customers) were arrested in the recent MP raids in SD.

04-12-2005, 07:34 PM
What they need to worry about 1st is the hunman rights violation down there in DR that they are commming as we speak right now thats more important than MP's and stripclubs. "But if you live in a glass house dont throw stones at it".

04-12-2005, 07:34 PM
A post on another website claimed customers were arrested in the SD raids. Is this stated in the article above?

04-12-2005, 07:35 PM
Hotel adventura advertises the same way

04-12-2005, 07:36 PM
What they need to worry about 1st is the hunman rights violation down there in DR that they are commming as we speak right now thats more important than MP's and stripclubs. "But if you live in a glass house dont throw stones at it".

You and JimmyDR make good arguments. They have a lot of issues and the economics does not seem to lend itself to eliminating putanomics.

Don Tomas
04-12-2005, 07:43 PM
A post on another website claimed customers were arrested in the SD raids. Is this stated in the article above?

Entre los que fueron detenidos figuraban empleados de los centros de masajes, parroquianos, jóvenes que hacÃ*an labores de masajistas, bartenders, acomodadores de vehÃ*culos, cobradores y otros

Which means basically the employees (minus the massage girls) were the ones arrested, Spanish readers correct me if wrong.

Don Tomas
04-12-2005, 07:44 PM
What they need to worry about 1st is the hunman rights violation down there in DR that they are commming as we speak right now thats more important than MP's and stripclubs. "But if you live in a glass house dont throw stones at it".

You and JimmyDR make good arguments. They have a lot of issues and the economics does not seem to lend itself to eliminating putanomics.

If they were smart they would get their hands in the cookie jar. TAX IT!

They need the money anyways. :lol:

04-12-2005, 09:28 PM
This is all bullshit.

Morality are for those that can afford it.

I've seen this before...Don't worry about it. This means nothing.

There are literally thousands...hundreds of thousands of women that lives off sucking dick to make ends meet.

And with everyone of those women there is a chulo and junior chulito that eats from that BJ dough she brings home.

Since the hotels and tourism are complaining of the weak dollar...the thieves in government decided to attack the other tourism killer culprit...prostitution.

It's all PR bullshit.

This post is ENTIRELY 100% correct, my bros.

Barking is one thing...but biting is another.

They (putas, semi-pros, many students & their dependents...lots of them) would starve to death...not to mention the impact on (sex) tourism! The politicos know what the deal is...they're just pandering to special interests so they can raise some dough and line their pockets. Without their whores, the D.R. is practically useless! :lol:

04-12-2005, 10:16 PM
Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:40 pm Post subject:


Wait...I think the second link (l.fernandez@funglode.org) is so you can send Leonel Fernandez an e-mail at this site........................................

OK, here goes....Ahem.......................................................................

Dear Leonel (or current political figurehead in the D.R.),

We are an organized group of (primarily) American whoremongers who frequently travel to D.R. "in search of chicas".

We are only/primarily interested in your third world dump for the fine women and relatively cheap pussy your country has to offer us.

I am writing to suggest the forging of an unique bilateral agreement between us whereby you develop a streamlined visitation system that would enable us to "send for" your Dominican (and Haitian) whores for a short time (say, a weekend, or perhaps a week at a time) to visit here with us as her respective "sponsor". We would, in turn, return this portion of your population's workforce well fed, well fucked, and (by your standards) well paid. Perhaps you could think of it as "DOMINICUNT", another valuable service that your country can provide for ours.

This would obviate the need for us to bribe your country's attorneys, Customs and Immigration officials, as well as assorted Dominican government employees (not to mention executing all the tedious and ridiculous paperwork involved in getting a piece of Dominican ass over here now), and keep us from having to traipse around over there without air conditioning and electricity (to mention only a few more inconveniences).

While it is always nice to see YOU over here giving "political head" in exchange for American dollars, we'd prefer to get OUR blowjobs from your women................................................................................



04-12-2005, 10:23 PM
Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:25 pm Post subject:


Here here!

If prostitution as we know it were to cease in D.R. (underage and otherwise), lots of families would starve to death. Of course Leonel would be the last one to feel the effects of a "crack-down", but it would make him mighty unpopular with the general populace, not to mention all the other economic stressors those poor devils have to face everyday.

I'd go so far as to say there is NO WAY any politico could shut down the pussy business in D.R. anyway...maybe a brief show of "policing" to gain some political headway in negotiations for economic support (read: begging for dollars) from other countries (i.e. U.S.A.)...but, since it's such a well established part of the culture, there is no practical way to eradicate it without "shooting themselves" in the foot economically.

No mater how you slice it, it's a thirld world country. Always will be. The peso is going up and the pussy is comming out!

Viva Leonel! LOL

04-12-2005, 10:31 PM
I would say for sure Blackbeard's is on the list due to internet advertising. Actually I would love to know how they have stayed in business this long. La Passions got raided due to the internet.

...The girls, er, "hostesses" at BB's are "independent contractors", as it were...they come & go when they like (and the house gets a cut under the table :lol: ).

The "Passion" girls were showing their tits on the net...never seen that on the BB site.

04-12-2005, 10:41 PM
If they really mean this, they would have to close all of Sosua.

I don't think they would close all of Sosua, just maybe clean it up some. There is always gonna be an abundance of pussy in the DR, but the infrastructure for sexual tourism might get dismantled. We wouldn't have thought they would close all of Boca Chica AND El Capital, would we? But they DID.I wouldn't be so sure that it doesn't expand...And you may as well just change my title to "Nothing". Won't be back to DR anytime soon. :x

04-12-2005, 10:54 PM
They would lose their ass (pun intended)! :lol:

04-12-2005, 10:58 PM
It says the focus is Boca Chica (google translated as "Small Mouth").
The slowing down of Boca Chica--- that's been reported on this board already.

Sosua in and of itself is not a house or business of prostitiution. It's a town, so that will probably take more effort to shut down. Someplace like La Passion however could be endangered.

You would think that but that is opposite to what happened in Boca. The casas and MPs are still OPEN. regular bars where "freelancers" hangout, similar to the setup in Sosua, were ALL shut down.

There was a similar operation in SDQ about 5 years ago, and shortly everything went back to pretty normal. One woman that owned a very small casa in santo domingo was never bothered as her ex was a big general in the military. He told her, if she took care of the kids he would make sure she was not bothered. In that sweep years ago, even she was closed down. Now 5 years later she was still open.

Time will tell if this operation is long term or not. Many times it is to make a big splash in the paper and appear to be trying. 90% of dominicans have no idea where the gazcue MPs are.

04-12-2005, 11:01 PM
I would say for sure Blackbeard's is on the list due to internet advertising. Actually I would love to know how they have stayed in business this long. La Passions got raided due to the internet.

...The girls, er, "hostesses" at BB's are "independent contractors", as it were...they come & go when they like (and the house gets a cut under the table :lol: ).

The "Passion" girls were showing their tits on the net...never seen that on the BB site.

The girls in Boca were not even independent contractors. There were bars like Route 66 that were basically regular bars. If you wanted to have a beer and listen to some tunes it was a cool place to hang. They didn't have any girls under contract etc. Girls may hang out there, but any deals were struck directly between the chica and the client. . . . .which under strict letter of the law is in no way illegal. . . . . Route 66 is still shut down, where there are about 5 MPs in Boca still open. . . . .

Sosua will almost certainly be next. . . . .

04-12-2005, 11:03 PM
I am pretty sure leonel would sign off on that in a second. . . . .getting the US govt to would be more impossible than a good nights sleep for a 14 year old boy in neverland. . . . .

Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2004 1:40 pm Post subject:


Wait...I think the second link (l.fernandez@funglode.org) is so you can send Leonel Fernandez an e-mail at this site........................................

OK, here goes....Ahem.......................................................................

Dear Leonel (or current political figurehead in the D.R.),

We are an organized group of (primarily) American whoremongers who frequently travel to D.R. "in search of chicas".

We are only/primarily interested in your third world dump for the fine women and relatively cheap pussy your country has to offer us.

I am writing to suggest the forging of an unique bilateral agreement between us whereby you develop a streamlined visitation system that would enable us to "send for" your Dominican (and Haitian) whores for a short time (say, a weekend, or perhaps a week at a time) to visit here with us as her respective "sponsor". We would, in turn, return this portion of your population's workforce well fed, well fucked, and (by your standards) well paid. Perhaps you could think of it as "DOMINICUNT", another valuable service that your country can provide for ours.

This would obviate the need for us to bribe your country's attorneys, Customs and Immigration officials, as well as assorted Dominican government employees (not to mention executing all the tedious and ridiculous paperwork involved in getting a piece of Dominican ass over here now), and keep us from having to traipse around over there without air conditioning and electricity (to mention only a few more inconveniences).

While it is always nice to see YOU over here giving "political head" in exchange for American dollars, we'd prefer to get OUR blowjobs from your women................................................................................



04-12-2005, 11:05 PM
It says the focus is Boca Chica (google translated as "Small Mouth").
The slowing down of Boca Chica--- that's been reported on this board already.

Sosua in and of itself is not a house or business of prostitiution. It's a town, so that will probably take more effort to shut down. Someplace like La Passion however could be endangered.

You would think that but that is opposite to what happened in Boca. The casas and MPs are still OPEN. regular bars where "freelancers" hangout, similar to the setup in Sosua, were ALL shut down.

There was a similar operation in SDQ about 5 years ago, and shortly everything went back to pretty normal. One woman that owned a very small casa in santo domingo was never bothered as her ex was a big general in the military. He told her, if she took care of the kids he would make sure she was not bothered. In that sweep years ago, even she was closed down. Now 5 years later she was still open.

Time will tell if this operation is long term or not. Many times it is to make a big splash in the paper and appear to be trying. 90% of dominicans have no idea where the gazcue MPs are. I find it impossible to believe that no one knows where the gazcue MP's were. Hell if WE know , they know. It is their fucking barrio, after all. :roll:They seem to be able to find the car washes easy enufff 8)

04-12-2005, 11:09 PM
This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast, I dont mean for mongers in general but for DR we are the ones that make that country go round with the dollars we spend oh well :roll: to bad for them we will still be on top we live in the US and that is the harsh reality is that they need us down there and they are about to fuck up a good thing.

I doubt that mongers make up more than 2-5% of the tourism revenue. The govt doesn't collect any taxes when you pay a chica 1000 pesos. If you stay at a resort in punta cana at 150 bucks per night. . . . .look at your bill. . . . .LOTS of it goes to the govt.. . .. .

Sorry for the dose of reality. The chicas will be hurt, many small businesses will be hurt. . . .but the govt does not need your money at all. . . . . In fact some may argue that many tourists that do stay at AIs in sosua and boca chica etc, decide to never return because they are offended by the towns being little rat holes filled with putas and drunk foreigners. . . . .LOL. . . .

I would not be surprised if they were just trying to make thing less out in the open. . . . .but only time will tell. . . .

04-12-2005, 11:24 PM
This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast, I dont mean for mongers in general but for DR we are the ones that make that country go round with the dollars we spend oh well :roll: to bad for them we will still be on top we live in the US and that is the harsh reality is that they need us down there and they are about to fuck up a good thing.

I doubt that mongers make up more than 2-5% of the tourism revenue. The govt doesn't collect any taxes when you pay a chica 1000 pesos. If you stay at a resort in punta cana at 150 bucks per night. . . . .look at your bill. . . . .LOTS of it goes to the govt.. . .. .

Sorry for the dose of reality. The chicas will be hurt, many small businesses will be hurt. . . .but the govt does not need your money at all. . . . . In fact some may argue that many tourists that do stay at AIs in sosua and boca chica etc, decide to never return because they are offended by the towns being little rat holes filled with putas and drunk foreigners. . . . .LOL. . . .

I would not be surprised if they were just trying to make thing less out in the open. . . . .but only time will tell. . . .Interesting observations,amigo. The Guv will do want they "want" but I would imagine there are extraneous forces at work here...(IMF). If this is a new fiscal trend around the world, we better start booking trips now, cause things ain't gonna get any better.

04-12-2005, 11:25 PM
This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast, I dont mean for mongers in general but for DR we are the ones that make that country go round with the dollars we spend oh well :roll: to bad for them we will still be on top we live in the US and that is the harsh reality is that they need us down there and they are about to fuck up a good thing.

I doubt that mongers make up more than 2-5% of the tourism revenue. The govt doesn't collect any taxes when you pay a chica 1000 pesos. If you stay at a resort in punta cana at 150 bucks per night. . . . .look at your bill. . . . .LOTS of it goes to the govt.. . .. .

Sorry for the dose of reality. The chicas will be hurt, many small businesses will be hurt. . . .but the govt does not need your money at all. . . . . In fact some may argue that many tourists that do stay at AIs in sosua and boca chica etc, decide to never return because they are offended by the towns being little rat holes filled with putas and drunk foreigners. . . . .LOL. . . .

I would not be surprised if they were just trying to make thing less out in the open. . . . .but only time will tell. . . .
What I was talking about was the dollar going down and prices staying the same as dollar is going down and not just mongers but regular tourist. When I started going down to DR I didnt go for mongering at first I just went down there to visit my cousin when 1US was 18RD and prices down there where not bad as it is today. The people are getting mad the main reason is because there family that are working hard here in the US cant send them the amount of dollars to keep up with the cost of living in DR that is going up.

04-12-2005, 11:41 PM
So let me get this str8. The regular bars in BC are closed. GiBi, Zanzibar ,Route 66 etc. And La Sala is still open? Casa Blanca?Same with Pink House? But the MP's in El Capital are closed...that's one fucked up Guv.

04-12-2005, 11:44 PM
This is all bullshit.

Morality are for those that can afford it.

I've seen this before...Don't worry about it. This means nothing.

There are literally thousands...hundreds of thousands of women that lives off sucking dick to make ends meet.

And with everyone of those women there is a chulo and junior chulito that eats from that BJ dough she brings home.

Since the hotels and tourism are complaining of the weak dollar...the thieves in government decided to attack the other tourism killer culprit...prostitution.

It's all PR bullshit.

This post is ENTIRELY 100% correct, my bros.

Barking is one thing...but biting is another.

They (putas, semi-pros, many students & their dependents...lots of them) would starve to death...not to mention the impact on (sex) tourism! The politicos know what the deal is...they're just pandering to special interests so they can raise some dough and line their pockets. Without their whores, the D.R. is practically useless! :lol:

The DR is useless without whores? He he he he he. . . .surely you jest. . . .
heck maybe the govt has a point. . . .higher class of tourist? .;-)

I don't see getting all worked up over this. I have been going to the DR seven years, speak decent spanish, and know the country pretty well. I think having point and click casas and MPs etc is cool, but will have zero problem getting laid. I also have never gone to the DR only to get laid. . . . . . .to me that is silly.

I don't get why anyone who so obviously has no respect for a country, it's culture or it's people, and only finds them useful for getting laid, would ever want to visit there in the first place. If you packed up all the hottest putas in the DR, brazil, and colombia. . . .and built whore complex in south dakota, taught all the girls english, played 50 cent and sevendust instead of bachata and regaeton. . . .. .it seems most of you guys would be all over it. . .. . yawn. . . .

Me? I'll still be heading to or living in the DR. . . .hanging out at a tipico in santiago, or a club in santo domingo. Drinking ice cold presidente, watching fine non puta mamis dancing sexier than women in most countries except maybe brazil. . . . .listening to a live bachata group or tipico group and contemplating which beach I should go to the next day with the cute chica I am about to go dance with. . . . . ..

On the weekends I'll take a bus trip to a different little town. I've never been to Barahona but heard the women are cute. The views on the way are breathtaking. They have a mountain that if you put your car in neutral it will roll UP the hill. They have a lake with crocodiles. I have heard jimmy rave about jarabacoa and maybe the following week I'll head up there with a nice not a puta for a quiet weekend on the river. . . . .

So if you decide to not go to the DR any more. . . .what will you do? Costa Rica? That may be cool.I'd love to check it out. Colombia? also cool, been there done that. Brazil. . .VERY cool. . . stay home and cruise for street hookers. . . . .no thanks. . . .asian massage parlors. . . .yuck. . . .escorts. . . .whose idea of GFE is a few half assed kisses on the lips. . . .sort of? I'll pass. . . . .

Keep in mind that for the most part, places like CR, colombia and brazil are not like Sosua in any way. Usually monger graduate to going to these places as in many cases, not CR, speaking the language is more important. In these places you tend to need to be a bit moe adventurous. In many cases things are more spread out and low key. If you walk down the street in cali colombia, you will not have chicas walking up and grabbing your dick.

If you have no problem getting around the DR, speak decent spanish, have set foot outside of sosua, and taking a taxi with 4 other US mongers to crystals does not count. . . . .you may like colombia or brazil as much as sosua.

If you heavily rely, on the frat house vibe, and the monger network in sosua, need a translator for anything more than fucky fucky, and cerveza. . . .you may have a problem. . .

Maybe jimmy can lead the field trip to Cali and change his screen name to JimmyCO. . .. ..?

Actually all kidding aside I suggest Help Disco in Rio. Since most guys here do not speak spanish any way. . . not speaking portugese would be the same. . . . If you ever set foot in Help your heads would explode. Go to a terma where you change into a robe and chicks that are more than a few notches above most bar girls in sosua, will sit down and make out with you, grope yo, and if you take her to a room will provide a real GFE many times ASKING for anal.. . . .at prices that are pretty darn attractive.

The city is nicer, the infrastructure better. The restaurants are KILLER and cheap. If all I wanted from a country was pussy. . . .brazil or colombia may be my first choice. http://www.contatos.com.br/acompanhantes.php?locate=Rio%20de%20Janeiro&tipo=1&detail=Morena

Those are independent escorts and not the highest quality available but a good indicator of "average" pussy in Brazil.

04-12-2005, 11:50 PM
So let me get this str8. The regular bars in BC are closed. GiBi, Zanzibar ,Route 66 etc. And La Sala is still open? Casa Blanca?Same with Pink House? But the MP's in El Capital are closed...that's one fucked up Guv.

Yes! That is exactly the case. By letter of the law, La sala, Blanco etc are all illegal while Route 66 was not doing anything illegal. .. .

Having said that the rumor is the boca chica sweep was ordered by a new colonel that came to town. He has since been fired. Since the artical DT posted mentioned boca chica, it looks like the fed govt is taking some "retroactive" credit for it.

I am still going down at the end of april and plan to spend most of my time with a really nice normal non pro I am dating. If that doesn't work or I get bored, I have a bunch of numbers in my cell of chicas I can call and take em out for a few beers, maybe dance a bit and then back to my room.

Even though I know where all the hotspots are and hang out in them quite a bit, it is very rare that I actually get a massage or take a girl out. . . .so obviously I am barely effected by all this. . . . .unless you consider the fact that I was working on a site dedicated to this market segment. . . . .LOL.

I am not really concerned. I see you are heading to Costa Rica. I may need to go there in the fall for business. Never been. Also Mexico in the fall, but would not mind figuring a way to visit brazil again. . . .LOL.

04-13-2005, 12:11 AM
[quote="prtyr2"][quote=Mr Chocha Man]It says the focus is Boca Chica (google translated as "Small Mouth").
I find it impossible to believe that no one knows where the gazcue MP's were. Hell if WE know , they know. It is their fucking barrio, after all. :roll:They seem to be able to find the car washes easy enufff 8)

Dude . . . .I went on a scouting mission to find the new MPs in aroyo hondo.
In two cases we were a block or two away from MPs and the Moto concho guys had no idea where they were! Once I tried looking for them in a regular taxi. . . .three times we asked moto concho guys where they were. . . . . . 3 times they took us to a gymn that had "massages". . . .we specifically asked for centro de massajes. We said con chicas. . .and THREE different concho guys took me to the same damn gymn.

We know where they are because we do 'research" we read ISOC, WSG, I even put a map of gazcue on my site. . . . The touts and cab drivers all hassle gringos and offer to take us to the MPs. . . .

That is a lot different than 90% of dominicans knowing where the MPs are. They may know where remington is. But I bet hundreds of people walk by 52 every day and have no idea it is a casa. Most of these places are unmarked. Maybe the people on the block, and in the immediate neighborhood know. Maybe rich business guys that have actually been there know. . . .90% have no clue.

I got an email on dominicanchicas from a dominican guy that lives in Mirador Sur in santo domingo. He was asking about Mona Lisa etc because he works in Gazcue. I asked if he had ever been to Shalimar which is in his neighborhood. . . .he had never heard of it. I mentioned geisha, penthouse etc etc etc that are all closer to him than Mona Lisa. Never heard of them. . . .he knows mona lisa because a coworker took him there.

One day at Hotel la resdicenc in gazcue which is right across the street from mona lisa, there were a bunch of us shooting the shit. MPs came up as the girls of mona lisa were leaving work and jumping into taxis.

3 of the male ownership of the hotel, one guy that had been living there for 3 months, and a guy that lived around the block on leah de castro.

They all knew about mona lisa as it was across the street and the security gut from mona lisa always hangs out at the hotel.

One owner knew michele was around the block but had no idea which house it was. . . the rest never heard of it.

None of them knew where Estefani was. . . .literally less than a block away from where we were sitting. None knew where Spa Sunday is. . . .3-4 blocks away. None knew sueno real, including the guy that lived on leah de castro les than 2 blocks from sueno.

Forget 52, elegante and cisne. Forget OMI. . . . .

Soem of them mentioned Herminias and manolo which were much further away and have been closed for years. Once mentioned petite chateau which was really far and also closed. These places were casas and less "dscreet" than the MPs. . . .

04-13-2005, 12:13 AM
That was no rumor. He conducted a raid at Playa Vista on bad info about underage girls, and found a 50 y/o couple there.OOOPS.

My new travels are CR and then LOS, with MX in between. ...BTW...Is our mutual friend still around? 8)

04-13-2005, 12:13 AM
This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast, I dont mean for mongers in general but for DR we are the ones that make that country go round with the dollars we spend oh well :roll: to bad for them we will still be on top we live in the US and that is the harsh reality is that they need us down there and they are about to fuck up a good thing.

I doubt that mongers make up more than 2-5% of the tourism revenue. The govt doesn't collect any taxes when you pay a chica 1000 pesos. If you stay at a resort in punta cana at 150 bucks per night. . . . .look at your bill. . . . .LOTS of it goes to the govt.. . .. .

Sorry for the dose of reality. The chicas will be hurt, many small businesses will be hurt. . . .but the govt does not need your money at all. . . . . In fact some may argue that many tourists that do stay at AIs in sosua and boca chica etc, decide to never return because they are offended by the towns being little rat holes filled with putas and drunk foreigners. . . . .LOL. . . .

I would not be surprised if they were just trying to make thing less out in the open. . . . .but only time will tell. . . .

You pay a chica 1000 pesos and she spends the 1000 pesos in the community. You pay Marriott 1,000 for your trip and 850 gets sent back to the states.

04-13-2005, 12:18 AM
This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast, I dont mean for mongers in general but for DR we are the ones that make that country go round with the dollars we spend oh well :roll: to bad for them we will still be on top we live in the US and that is the harsh reality is that they need us down there and they are about to fuck up a good thing.

I doubt that mongers make up more than 2-5% of the tourism revenue. The govt doesn't collect any taxes when you pay a chica 1000 pesos. If you stay at a resort in punta cana at 150 bucks per night. . . . .look at your bill. . . . .LOTS of it goes to the govt.. . .. .

Sorry for the dose of reality. The chicas will be hurt, many small businesses will be hurt. . . .but the govt does not need your money at all. . . . . In fact some may argue that many tourists that do stay at AIs in sosua and boca chica etc, decide to never return because they are offended by the towns being little rat holes filled with putas and drunk foreigners. . . . .LOL. . . .

I would not be surprised if they were just trying to make thing less out in the open. . . . .but only time will tell. . . .
What I was talking about was the dollar going down and prices staying the same as dollar is going down and not just mongers but regular tourist. When I started going down to DR I didnt go for mongering at first I just went down there to visit my cousin when 1US was 18RD and prices down there where not bad as it is today. The people are getting mad the main reason is because there family that are working hard here in the US cant send them the amount of dollars to keep up with the cost of living in DR that is going up.

I just received the DR1 travel news for the week. They list the tourism numbers and tourism numbers are up across the board. I liked it better personally when my dollar went further and agree that if the trend of the dollar going less far continues it will have a negative impact on tourism. . . . .that has not been the case yet.

In fact in some cases the prices that have gone up the least are for chicas. I first started going down when the peso was 13 or 14 to one. It was easy to convert 1500 pesos that the girls at the juragua wanted was about 100 bucks. Mona Lisa charge 1500 pesos as well. Last year when the peso was 50-1 Mona lisa was still 1500 pesos and I bet the juragua girls were trying to get 2,000 etc

Now with the current rate, mona lisa is 2000 pesos. That is less money than it was 7-8 years ago. . . . . . heck at mini spa cleopatra. . . I can get 2 chicas for 1500. . .. .if only they were around 7 years ago. . . . .

OTOH, hotels, food, beer, gasoline etc etc etc etc are way more expensive.

04-13-2005, 12:23 AM
[quote=prtyr2][quote=Mr Chocha Man]It says the focus is Boca Chica (google translated as "Small Mouth").
I find it impossible to believe that no one knows where the gazcue MP's were. Hell if WE know , they know. It is their fucking barrio, after all. :roll:They seem to be able to find the car washes easy enufff 8)

Dude . . . .I went on a scouting mission to find the new MPs in aroyo hondo.
In two cases we were a block or two away from MPs and the Moto concho guys had no idea where they were! Once I tried looking for them in a regular taxi. . . .three times we asked moto concho guys where they were. . . . . . 3 times they took us to a gymn that had "massages". . . .we specifically asked for centro de massajes. We said con chicas. . .and THREE different concho guys took me to the same damn gymn..ROTFLMAO!!! I can get with that. I had just posted on another site about an MX taxi who didn't know where the most popular casa in the city was!!And they get a piece of the action money wise! Dude threw away some 20us. :roll:

Reel Deal
04-13-2005, 12:28 AM
You pay a chica 1000 pesos and she spends the 1000 pesos in the community. You pay Marriott 1,000 for your trip and 850 gets sent back to the states.Wrong. The hotel industry works on a roughly 10% net margin. At best, MAYBE 100 gets sent back.

The difference is that many, many more people stay at the Marriott (or fill in any resort name) than monger.

I don't know the numbers (I doubt they exist), but sex tourism is just a teeny, tiny fraction of the total tourist industry. It's huge to us, but we use a distorted perception filter.

04-13-2005, 12:30 AM
This is the end of DR if they continue with this and move up to the Nothern Coast, I dont mean for mongers in general but for DR we are the ones that make that country go round with the dollars we spend oh well :roll: to bad for them we will still be on top we live in the US and that is the harsh reality is that they need us down there and they are about to fuck up a good thing.

I doubt that mongers make up more than 2-5% of the tourism revenue. The govt doesn't collect any taxes when you pay a chica 1000 pesos. If you stay at a resort in punta cana at 150 bucks per night. . . . .look at your bill. . . . .LOTS of it goes to the govt.. . .. .

Sorry for the dose of reality. The chicas will be hurt, many small businesses will be hurt. . . .but the govt does not need your money at all. . . . . In fact some may argue that many tourists that do stay at AIs in sosua and boca chica etc, decide to never return because they are offended by the towns being little rat holes filled with putas and drunk foreigners. . . . .LOL. . . .

I would not be surprised if they were just trying to make thing less out in the open. . . . .but only time will tell. . . .

Forget "tourism". Think cold hard cash...western union, prostitution...so forth. The government makes money no matter what...the putas have to spend...IVA tax where does that go?

Vast amounts of people are sustained by prostitution...do not pooh pooh it. It wouldn't be so acceptable with the culture if it wasn't so necessary to survive.

04-13-2005, 12:37 AM

Family of 7 will live off of 2 members making 4500 pesos each and Pedro in NYC sending 200 a month. I doubt that highly. Little Maria still needs to suck cock. :D

04-13-2005, 12:38 AM

Family of 7 will live off of 2 members making 4500 pesos each and Pedro in NYC sending 200 a month. I doubt that highly. Little Maria still needs to suck cock. :D

And for that very reason I'm flying back with my fly open! :twisted:

04-13-2005, 12:42 AM
I went with an ex Politician a few years back to Casa Blanca. These guys ainçt going to give up PUSSY.

Reel Deal
04-13-2005, 12:43 AM
Forget "tourism". Think cold hard cash...western union, prostitution...so forth. The government makes money no matter what...the putas have to spend...IVA tax where does that go?

Vast amounts of people are sustained by prostitution...do not pooh pooh it. It wouldn't be so acceptable with the culture if it wasn't so necessary to survive.OK...let's talk cold hard cash.

I believe the "cold hard cash" driven by non sex tourism is maybe 20-50 times or more than prostitution. The AI's alone have multiples of hundreds, if not thousands more cold hard cash flowing through them than from prostitution.

It is impossible to stamp it out without draconian laws being passed and enforced. But I have to believe there are powerful international monetary forces at play in this thing than some here give credit toward. Go look at the history of the IMF and see for yourself. Remember, the DR is at the mercy of the internationalists.

04-13-2005, 12:44 AM
Forget "tourism". Think cold hard cash...western union, prostitution...so forth. The government makes money no matter what...the putas have to spend...IVA tax where does that go?

Vast amounts of people are sustained by prostitution...do not pooh pooh it. It wouldn't be so acceptable with the culture if it wasn't so necessary to survive.

I am not pooh poohing it. . . . I am pointing out that:

1-sex tourism is responsible for a tiny fraction of tourism revenue

2-the majority of dollars spen on preostitution in the DR is by dominicans and not by us

3-if the govt is serious about this long term, which I am not convinced of yet, they will not care about losing revenue from prostitution etc.

usually when there is a crackdown in Boca for example it is at the "request" or complaint of the big hotels. Prostitution is small potatos compared to the clout of the major hotels. . . .in santo domingo prostitution is a pimple on the ass of the economy. . . .no govt official will lose any sleep over lost revenu. . . . .if they are serious about this. . . .

Time will tell. . . .but I am betting thing swill be relatively normal soon.,

On one dominican newspaper site people can comment on the news stories. People were asking why these hidden places were closed, but remington, teresa, azul, lapsus and tabu were still open.

When I hear that RP and Jazzys get closed down for more than a month. . . . I will be slightly concerned. . . . .

04-13-2005, 12:50 AM
Forget "tourism". Think cold hard cash...western union, prostitution...so forth. The government makes money no matter what...the putas have to spend...IVA tax where does that go?

Vast amounts of people are sustained by prostitution...do not pooh pooh it. It wouldn't be so acceptable with the culture if it wasn't so necessary to survive.OK...let's talk cold hard cash.

I believe the "cold hard cash" driven by non sex tourism is maybe 20-50 times or more than prostitution. The AI's alone have multiples of hundreds, if not thousands more cold hard cash flowing through them than from prostitution.

It is impossible to stamp it out without draconian laws being passed and enforced. But I have to believe there are powerful international monetary forces at play in this thing than some here give credit toward. Go look at the history of the IMF and see for yourself. Remember, the DR is at the mercy of the internationalists.


That 20-50 times amount benefits a very small amount of people....the small fraction that whoring produces benefits a larger amount of actual poor citizens that is left to be believed. Don't get me wrong...I'm totally with you on the larger forces at play especially with that moral majority in office with rest of the Republican morons.

Let me put it this way...Tourism is not going to get any better until the dollar strengthens and services improve. Oh yes, at least 4 good friends of mine have taken straight vacations with their families to Puerto Plata and have described it as nothing more than a shithole. Puerto Plata is slowing becoming a dump in the sense of services and quality. AI's in POP are having a deterioating reputation.

It's snowballing and they're scapegoating.

04-13-2005, 01:00 AM
You pay a chica 1000 pesos and she spends the 1000 pesos in the community. You pay Marriott 1,000 for your trip and 850 gets sent back to the states.

If I pay marriot 1000 pesos way more than 150 stays in the DR. Also the govt gets a big cut in taxes.

The chica spends 1000 pesos in the community? You are kidding right?

Chica gets 1000 pesos, She spends 100 pesos on rice and eggs for her kid to eat. 100 pesos on clothes for her kid, manufactured in the free zone by foreign companies. 300 at the salon, of which a good portion goes to the US exporter of Sebastien hair care products. 200 on getting her nails done. . .of which 100 pesos gets sent back to china. . . .

The rest will be spent on ornage cell phone cards and maybe saved up to buy a newer and cooler cell phone with color screen, camera and palm pilot. . . .most of that money goes to orange and sony erickson. . . .

I thought you were a bean counter. . . . . .?

04-13-2005, 01:03 AM
You pay a chica 1000 pesos and she spends the 1000 pesos in the community. You pay Marriott 1,000 for your trip and 850 gets sent back to the states.

If I pay marriot 1000 pesos way more than 150 stays in the DR. Also the govt gets a big cut in taxes.

The chica spends 1000 pesos in the community? You are kidding right?

Chica gets 1000 pesos, She spends 100 pesos on rice and eggs for her kid to eat. 100 pesos on clothes for her kid, manufactured in the free zone by foreign companies. 300 at the salon, of which a good portion goes to the US exporter of Sebastien hair care products. 200 on getting her nails done. . .of which 100 pesos gets sent back to china. . . .

The rest will be spent on ornage cell phone cards and maybe saved up to buy a newer and cooler cell phone with color screen, camera and palm pilot. . . .most of that money goes to orange and sony erickson. . . .

I thought you were a bean counter. . . . . .?

Either way, nothing stays in DR. :idea:

04-13-2005, 01:06 AM
If I pay marriot 1000 pesos way more than 150 stays in the DR. Also the govt gets a big cut in taxes.

The chica spends 1000 pesos in the community? You are kidding right?

Chica gets 1000 pesos, She spends 100 pesos on rice and eggs for her kid to eat. 100 pesos on clothes for her kid, manufactured in the free zone by foreign companies. 300 at the salon, of which a good portion goes to the US exporter of Sebastien hair care products. 200 on getting her nails done. . .of which 100 pesos gets sent back to china. . . .

The rest will be spent on ornage cell phone cards and maybe saved up to buy a newer and cooler cell phone with color screen, camera and palm pilot. . . .most of that money goes to orange and sony erickson. . . .

I thought you were a bean counter. . . . . .?

Well let's see...the puta will eat, her kids will eat, her kids will be clothed and she will be clothed.

If the Marriot gets it...they give it to the government and then they will line their pockets. Further fucking over the peasant.

It's not a question of bean counting...it's who is getting to eat the beans. :?

04-13-2005, 01:12 AM

That 20-50 times amount benefits a very small amount of people....the small fraction that whoring produces benefits a larger amount of actual poor citizens that is left to be believed. Don't get me wrong...I'm totally with you on the larger forces at play especially with that moral majority in office with rest of the Republican morons.

Let me put it this way...Tourism is not going to get any better until the dollar strengthens and services improve. Oh yes, at least 4 good friends of mine have taken straight vacations with their families to Puerto Plata and have described it as nothing more than a shithole. Puerto Plata is slowing becoming a dump in the sense of services and quality. AI's in POP are having a deterioating reputation.

It's snowballing and they're scapegoating.

Not even close to true. Look at any AI resort, hotel or restaurant in the DR. There are way more people employed at these places than there are hookers in the DR. These are real working stiffs that spend their money at the colmados and buy local products and services. They don't drop 5,000 pesos on a cell phone like a hooker would.

Puerto Plata is not the place where toruism has been taking off. Two words punta cana. Much nicer than POP. . . ..but POP and north coast tourism numbers were UP in the last year, but slightly down this quarter from last year. On the whole tourism is way up. First quarter this year with thedollar being weaker versus last year first quarter where the dollar was at it's peak. . . .

4% in Punta Cana, 12 % in santo domingo and santiago up over 15%. . .

from DR1 travel news:

The Central Bank first quarter tourism stats show non-resident travel to the country was up 8%. Non-resident arrivals increased from 961,213 inbound air arrivals to 1,038,388 from January to March 2005. Punta Cana continued to be the airport with most foreign arrivals, with 413,969 non-resident travelers coming during the first three months of the year. Traffic to Punta Cana was up 4% this year. Santo Domingo’s Las Americas International Airport (primarily serving Santo Domingo, Boca Chica and Juan Dolio tourism) showed a 12% increase, going from 212,047 non-resident arrivals in 2004 to 237,629 non-resident arrivals in 2005.
Traffic to Puerto Plata, nevertheless, slightly decreased, going from 218,491 during the first quarter in 2004 to 237,629 for the same period in 2005, or a 2% decline.
La Romana did well with an increase in 12,425 non-resident arrivals, or 91,758 passengers, up from 79,333 in the previous year.
Santiago’s Cibao International Airport posted the greatest increase, 15.6%. Non-resident arrivals to that airport increased from 50,136 in the first quarter of 2004 to 79,513 for the same period in 2005.

I totally agree that in theory you are right. In actuality though. . . . .there have been little consequences. The priority of the govt now is paying off large amounts of foriegn debt that is due. . . . .strong peso helps here greatly. . . .

The govt will also be upping the taxes on airline tix another 5 bucks. . . .

04-13-2005, 01:18 AM
I totally agree that in theory you are right. In actuality though. . . . .there have been little consequences. The priority of the govt now is paying off large amounts of foriegn debt that is due. . . . .strong peso helps here greatly. . . .

The govt will also be upping the taxes on airline tix another 5 bucks. . . .

In my 3 trips to POP in the last 10 months....people are sucking wind. I cannot believe these numbers the government is putting out. I just cannot.

04-13-2005, 01:23 AM
If I pay marriot 1000 pesos way more than 150 stays in the DR. Also the govt gets a big cut in taxes.

The chica spends 1000 pesos in the community? You are kidding right?

Chica gets 1000 pesos, She spends 100 pesos on rice and eggs for her kid to eat. 100 pesos on clothes for her kid, manufactured in the free zone by foreign companies. 300 at the salon, of which a good portion goes to the US exporter of Sebastien hair care products. 200 on getting her nails done. . .of which 100 pesos gets sent back to china. . . .

The rest will be spent on ornage cell phone cards and maybe saved up to buy a newer and cooler cell phone with color screen, camera and palm pilot. . . .most of that money goes to orange and sony erickson. . . .

I thought you were a bean counter. . . . . .?

Well let's see...the puta will eat, her kids will eat, her kids will be clothed and she will be clothed.

If the Marriot gets it...they give it to the government and then they will line their pockets. Further fucking over the peasant.

It's not a question of bean counting...it's who is getting to eat the beans. :?

The Marriott employees and the employees of companies that provide services to the Marriott will spend way more money in the community than the hookers. How many hookers do you think there are in santo domingo?

1,000? Less I bet. At least in the places that are being shut down. That is nothing compared to the amount of employees in the hotels and restaurants in santo domingo that cater to tourists and business travelers etc.

That is in SDQ. . . .where tourism is not all that big and there are a ton of casas. . .

In the first quarter on 05 just over 230,000 tourists arrived in POP airport. What percentage of them do you think were there for hookers? How many hookers are there on the north coast? 200? 300? 400?

In punta cana over 400;000 people arrived at the airport. How many employees work at the resorts in punta cana? No way the money a handful of hookers spends more money than 10s of thousands of working stiffs trying to support their families. . . .

Even if the hookers were contributing a ton to the overall economy the govt would not care. Whether the govt keeps up these new policies will not be effected by any loss in revenue from the sex industry. That is not how it works down there.

04-13-2005, 01:24 AM
I totally agree that in theory you are right. In actuality though. . . . .there have been little consequences. The priority of the govt now is paying off large amounts of foriegn debt that is due. . . . .strong peso helps here greatly. . . .

The govt will also be upping the taxes on airline tix another 5 bucks. . . .

In my 3 trips to POP in the last 10 months....people are sucking wind. I cannot believe these numbers the government is putting out. I just cannot.
I dont know about Punta Cana, but Puerto Plata every time last year and early this year I flew down there I was like the only one in 1st class and the plane was half empty. Every time I flew to Santiago there where only locals on the plane I rarely saw a tourist on that flight.
It is not Americans that are going down there all the time it is Europeans and Canadians chartering there own flights to DR.

04-13-2005, 01:37 AM
I totally agree that in theory you are right. In actuality though. . . . .there have been little consequences. The priority of the govt now is paying off large amounts of foriegn debt that is due. . . . .strong peso helps here greatly. . . .

The govt will also be upping the taxes on airline tix another 5 bucks. . . .

In my 3 trips to POP in the last 10 months....people are sucking wind. I cannot believe these numbers the government is putting out. I just cannot.

I wouldn't believe em either. Go to breakfast at Rockies and talk to marco. Ask him if business is better now or 2 years ago. 2 years ago POP/Sosua was nearly dead. Last year things picked up greatly and this year it is down a bit.

Puerto Plata is not the place to judge tourism any way. . . .Punta Cana, La Romana. . . . .

Even with POP being a bad example. . . .3 months 230,000 vistors. That means an average of about 2,000 visitors per week. How many mongers in town on a great week? 2% maybe. .. .in punta cana note even close to 2%. . . . .. I bet way less than.1% he he he he

There will always be hookers in the DR and what mongers decide to do matters very little.

One could make a better argument that if a single tourist gets rolled by a hooker and her drug doing or dealing chulo, that can have a a bigger impact on tourism. Or if one jealous german woman kills her husband because she catches him with an underage girl. . . . . any publicity on violent crime or child prostitution etc . . . .could be a big PR hit to the tourism industry. . .

Anyone remember the bus full of tourists held up outside of POP a few months back? The NEXT day the govt was there cutting checks for stolen property, and in days cops and military were shooting the gunmen dead in the jungle. . . . .

That is to send a message to criminals. . . .the tourism industry can not afford to have potential customers hearing about getting held up at gunpoint. . . . .

04-13-2005, 01:41 AM
I dont know about Punta Cana, but Puerto Plata every time last year and early this year I flew down there I was like the only one in 1st class and the plane was half empty. Every time I flew to Santiago there where only locals on the plane I rarely saw a tourist on that flight.
It is not Americans that are going down there all the time it is Europeans and Canadians chartering there own flights to DR.

Ya know. . . .I would have agreed with you on that as well. . . . Canadians traditionally are the largest segment. First quarter this year canadian vistors are down 3% from last year and US leads the pack. . .with an 11% increase. . . .again. . .do not use POP as a guide. . . . .Punta Cana. . .

Again from DR1 travel news:

US tourists lead the way in arrivals during the first three months of the year, with 270,895 Americans, or 11% more than the 243,264 Americans that came in 2004. Traffic from Canada declined 3%, going from 224,145 travelers in 2004 to 216,415 for the first quarter in 2005. Forty-four more Venezuelans came than last year, for an increase from 5,677 in 2004 to 8,179 for the first three months in 2005. Nevertheless, less Puerto Ricans visited, going from 5,835 in 2004 to 5,178 in 2005.
>From Europe, France lead with 109,639 French travelers, up 1.5% over 2004’s 107,990. Some 70,510 Germans visited in 2005, up 16.5% over last year’s 60,484. 1.7% more Spaniards came this year than last, or 44,537 compared to 43,792 in 2004. 7.1% more Italians visited, or 41,487 up from 38,720. From the United Kingdom, traffic was up 2%, with 40,135 arrivals, compared to 39,334 for the first quarter in 2004. Dutch tourists declined, going from 13,532 in 2004 to 12,098 in 2005, or a 10.5% decrease. Likewise, travel from Switzerland also dropped, this time 11%, going from 11,651 in 2004 to 10,373 so far this year. Swedish tourism was up, though, with 6,275 arrivals compared to 4,376 in 2005, for a healthy 43% increase.

Bug Boy
04-13-2005, 03:32 AM
I also have never gone to the DR only to get laid. . . . . . .to me that is silly.

I don't get why anyone who so obviously has no respect for a country, it's culture or it's people, and only finds them useful for getting laid, would ever want to visit there in the first place. If you packed up all the hottest putas in the DR, brazil, and colombia. . . .and built whore complex in south dakota, taught all the girls english, played 50 cent and sevendust instead of bachata and regaeton. . . .. .it seems most of you guys would be all over it. . .. . yawn. . . .

Me? I'll still be heading to or living in the DR. . . .hanging out at a tipico in santiago, or a club in santo domingo. Drinking ice cold presidente, watching fine non puta mamis dancing sexier than women in most countries except maybe brazil. . . . .listening to a live bachata group or tipico group and contemplating which beach I should go to the next day with the cute chica I am about to go dance with. . . . . .. I have traveled extensively in Western Europe and North America and the only place I have been to, where the #1 reason was to fuck, was the DR (Boca Chica.) Even on my Cuba trip, pussy was reason #3. Shit you can get laid in a hundred different locales, why go to Cuba (or half-way around the world to SE Asia) just for pussy.

The DR on the other hand is different. If you are coming from the NYC, the DR is a short (3 hour), cheap flight ($300) away from $20 teenage pussy on some PHAT asses. If priority #1 was beaches, I would head to the VI, Bahamas, or Aruba. If I wanted culture, I would head to Cuba. If I wanted to sightsee, I would check out the rain forests and volcanoes in Costa Rica. The DR isn't useless, but if I just want to listen to music, check out Domincanas, and drink Presidentes with Domincans I can do this at the stoop of my apartment (which I did this past weekend-- hell, in the summer my neighborhood "feels" more like the DR than Boca Chica ever did.)

BTW: I like this South Dakota idea, but it's still cheaper to fly to the DR. Shit, if the clubs in Bridgeport (CT) hadn't closed down, I would be there. They seemed to have a nice "UN" mix of cheap ($60) putas :lol:.

For me, the DR has always been about the price and convenience of pussy. For some people the DR is home, for me it's Pootang Island!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

-Helpmann :)

04-13-2005, 07:58 AM
So what's the "worst case" scenario? Some of us are already out of the tourist economy and into the local economy in many ways. I guess those that rely on hardcore putas and sign language might suffer a bit. However, the economics don't support the total abolition of prostitution so there will always be a market for the hardcore jonnies. If Sosua prostitution were to go away next week, that would be fucked up and change the game but adaptations would be made. The reality is that putanomics in the DR is stronger than any political ideology.

Reel Deal
04-13-2005, 08:24 AM
The weak dollar/ tourism argument doesn't wash. Americans are NOT the largest group of visitors to the DR. The stats are skewed, as MANY of the "Americans" being reported are Dominicans going back home for a visit-and they are NOT staying in resorts, spending dollars like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

The Euro is doing well against the peso. THAT has a positive impact on the economy. The dollar is NOT the only currency that floats the DR economy.

WE, as mongers, want to believe that WE are the reason for the DR economy, especially in Sosua. We aren't. Yes, we spend $$$. But we are but a tiny fraction of what makes the economy there go around. Go look at the beaches! All those pale bodies filling the beach chairs are NOT there for pussy.

Sorry, guys. The government and resort owners could give a rats ass about us, mongering, or whores. In fact, I'll bet they find the whole thing an embarrasment.

Don't get me wrong...I'm totally with you on the larger forces at play especially with that moral majority in office with rest of the Republican morons.

With all due respect, this comment is personal perception and emotion based, and not intellectually based. I asked y'all to research how the IMF worked. It is an INTERTNATIONAL body, not a subset of the U.S. Republican Party. This crackdown has NOTHING to do with the moral majority, Republicans, or any other Boogie Man that haunts you. I doubt most Republicans (or Democrats, for that matter) could point out where the DR is on the map, for Christ sake.

In international affairs, the U.S. is a big player, but not the only player. The DR is not JUST dependant on the US, as other countries play VERY prominent roles (how many American cars, appliances, telephones, etc. do you see there? Not a whole lot.). If we were talking Puerto Rico it would be a different story.

Hell, when I stay at the Gran Almirante Hotel in Santiago-the nicest hotel in the region, and one aimed specifically for business people-I am often the ONLY Norte Americano in the place (I've asked). There are Canadians, Europeans, Central/South Americans, and even Orientals there in droves.

The international forces I mention are the IMF. The DR is desperate for cash because of the debt run up in the last decade or so. They HAVE to do something to restructure the debt or the entire economy will collapse with the ensuing nasty civil unrest; hence likely behind the scene IMF ass kissing. Strengthening the DR currency in whatever way the Central Bank can (it is limited as we've discussed before, as they can effect only the supply of pesos) is one critical way to help pay the debt.

To the duly elected DR governmental officials, dealing with the debt and IMF is a HUGE priority; they could absolutely care less if some poor whore-who they find an embarassment anyway- goes hungry for a while until they find a real job.

Reel Deal
04-13-2005, 08:29 AM
So what's the "worst case" scenario? Some of us are already out of the tourist economy and into the local economy in many ways. I guess those that rely on hardcore putas and sign language might suffer a bit. However, the economics don't support the total abolition of prostitution so there will always be a market for the hardcore jonnies. If Sosua prostitution were to go away next week, that would be fucked up and change the game but adaptations would be made. The reality is that putanomics in the DR is stronger than any political ideology.Short of summary executions without trials, prostitution will always exist in about every country of the world. Always has, always will.

Enough girls get popped, and like the US notastripclubs, notanescortservice, and notamassageparlors, girls will become more paranoid. It'll not be so overt, and ~some~ degree of game may be required.

It's not the end of the world; it's just tha world may tilt off it's axis a few degrees.

It's prolly not going to be a disaster. It'll prolly be more of a hinderance.

04-13-2005, 09:11 AM
]I have traveled extensively in Western Europe and North America and the only place I have been to, where the #1 reason was to fuck, was the DR (Boca Chica.) Even on my Cuba trip, pussy was reason #3. Shit you can get laid in a hundred different locales, why go to Cuba (or half-way around the world to SE Asia) just for pussy.

The DR on the other hand is different. If you are coming from the NYC, the DR is a short (3 hour), cheap flight ($300) away from $20 teenage pussy on some PHAT asses. If priority #1 was beaches, I would head to the VI, Bahamas, or Aruba. If I wanted culture, I would head to Cuba. If I wanted to sightsee, I would check out the rain forests and volcanoes in Costa Rica. The DR isn't useless, but if I just want to listen to music, check out Domincanas, and drink Presidentes with Domincans I can do this at the stoop of my apartment (which I did this past weekend-- hell, in the summer my neighborhood "feels" more like the DR than Boca Chica ever did.)

BTW: I like this South Dakota idea, but it's still cheaper to fly to the DR. Shit, if the clubs in Bridgeport (CT) hadn't closed down, I would be there. They seemed to have a nice "UN" mix of cheap ($60) putas :lol:.

For me, the DR has always been about the price and convenience of pussy. For some people the DR is home, for me it's Pootang Island!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

-Helpmann :)

That is cool, but is your opinion. YOU find the DR attractive only for the pussy. That is fine. You prefer the culture and possibly having to travel illegally in cuba, that is cool. I have never been but have heard nothing but good things. But. . . . your "proof" that the DR is useless except for pussy is nothing more than your personal opinion. In addition to my personal opinion, I posted "proof" that the vast majority of the people that travel to the DR, do so for a variety of reasons, besides pussy. Punta Cana has almost zero access to easy pussy, but attracts the most amount of visitors. Visitors that spend more money. How do you explain the fact that Punta Cana has 10 times the amount of tourists, with 10% the amount of pussy as boca chica? Might it be that your opinion does not coincide with that of the majority of tourists?

As far as hanging out listening to Bachata in the states. Yeah I do it too. After 2 beers and 3 songs, I am in the mood to jump on a plane. Dominican chicas in washington heights are not the same as Dominicanas in santiago or sdq, or small towns etc.

Bridgeport clubs. They haven't all closed. The chicas just moved to other clubs. Dwon the block from keystone is a shithole called bishops corner. Sunny, the flaca dominicana was there, Paula the silicon boobed colombiana was off that night, as was vanessa the short and cute PR
chick.Heck I think sunny, paula and vanessa moved to bridgeport now. Emilia is at another club. If I want cheap easy pussy, I could just call them and go hang out. Heck you could get cheap sleazy pussy at asscon etc. I was the one that told the bridgeport chicas about asscon and took paula there the first time to scope it out.

Hell, if all I wanted was dominican pussy, I can get all I want here in the states.

Reel Deal
04-13-2005, 09:17 AM
I've been going to the DR since '88. Yes, the chicas are easy and cheap, no doubt. It is certainly a big attraction.

But that is not why I always go back.

I love the culture, the people, the gorgeous land. I love the smiling people. "no problema, amigo". I love the fact it's almost hidden from the rest of the world. I love the diversity of the land and climate. I love the history.

I guess we're all different.

It ain't all about the pussy...

04-13-2005, 09:22 AM
Well said. If the peso stays strong against the dollar for long enough that the major hotel associations and resort ownership started really complaining. Leonel would be in more of a jam. These people are complaining, but not as much as they would if REAL tourism was down. The truth is tourism numbers are up so far this year.

The "monger" economy is nothing. In fact the 'western union" or "envias boya" economyies are MUCH more important. I am not talking just about guys sending chicas money, but dominicans in the states and europe sending home remittances every month. That is a much larger part of the economy than what mongers give hookers. People who depend on these remittances are seeing their DOLLARS not being able to buy nearly as much as it used to. If someone was receiving 200 bucks per month a few years back, they were living large. Heck even last winter $200 bucks was over 100,0000 pesos. Now it is half of that and the prices are MUCH higher.

As you said, paying of debt and making IMF happy is MUCH more important than worrying about the remittance problems.If the remittance probs are not high priority the monger or whore "problems" aren't even a pimple on the ass of the real problems in the DR.

The weak dollar/ tourism argument doesn't wash. Americans are NOT the largest group of visitors to the DR. The stats are skewed, as MANY of the "Americans" being reported are Dominicans going back home for a visit-and they are NOT staying in resorts, spending dollars like a drunken sailor on shore leave.

The Euro is doing well against the peso. THAT has a positive impact on the economy. The dollar is NOT the only currency that floats the DR economy.

WE, as mongers, want to believe that WE are the reason for the DR economy, especially in Sosua. We aren't. Yes, we spend $$$. But we are but a tiny fraction of what makes the economy there go around. Go look at the beaches! All those pale bodies filling the beach chairs are NOT there for pussy.

Sorry, guys. The government and resort owners could give a rats ass about us, mongering, or whores. In fact, I'll bet they find the whole thing an embarrasment.

Don't get me wrong...I'm totally with you on the larger forces at play especially with that moral majority in office with rest of the Republican morons.

With all due respect, this comment is personal perception and emotion based, and not intellectually based. I asked y'all to research how the IMF worked. It is an INTERTNATIONAL body, not a subset of the U.S. Republican Party. This crackdown has NOTHING to do with the moral majority, Republicans, or any other Boogie Man that haunts you. I doubt most Republicans (or Democrats, for that matter) could point out where the DR is on the map, for Christ sake.

In international affairs, the U.S. is a big player, but not the only player. The DR is not JUST dependant on the US, as other countries play VERY prominent roles (how many American cars, appliances, telephones, etc. do you see there? Not a whole lot.). If we were talking Puerto Rico it would be a different story.

Hell, when I stay at the Gran Almirante Hotel in Santiago-the nicest hotel in the region, and one aimed specifically for business people-I am often the ONLY Norte Americano in the place (I've asked). There are Canadians, Europeans, Central/South Americans, and even Orientals there in droves.

The international forces I mention are the IMF. The DR is desperate for cash because of the debt run up in the last decade or so. They HAVE to do something to restructure the debt or the entire economy will collapse with the ensuing nasty civil unrest; hence likely behind the scene IMF ass kissing. Strengthening the DR currency in whatever way the Central Bank can (it is limited as we've discussed before, as they can effect only the supply of pesos) is one critical way to help pay the debt.

To the duly elected DR governmental officials, dealing with the debt and IMF is a HUGE priority; they could absolutely care less if some poor whore-who they find an embarassment anyway- goes hungry for a while until they find a real job.

04-13-2005, 09:25 AM
I would love to say i read this whole thread but i would be lying... this whole stopping prostitution will never work in the DR... it brings in too much money... I know that the bulk of money we (US) brings in is through AI families and through the government purchasing shit and maybe manufactoring things there... but it wont work... Imagine undercover politur (women) trying to set you up... thats fuckin crazy..... Looks like i may have to book this Colombia trip after all.

04-13-2005, 10:03 AM
this has ruined my breakfast and made me sick to my tummy

04-13-2005, 10:34 AM
Don't get me wrong...I'm totally with you on the larger forces at play especially with that moral majority in office with rest of the Republican morons.

With all due respect, this comment is personal perception and emotion based, and not intellectually based. I asked y'all to research how the IMF worked. It is an INTERTNATIONAL body, not a subset of the U.S. Republican Party. This crackdown has NOTHING to do with the moral majority, Republicans, or any other Boogie Man that haunts you. I doubt most Republicans (or Democrats, for that matter) could point out where the DR is on the map, for Christ sake.

It was a rant, but not intellectually baseless one. The IMF is not a U.S. darling. Actually, I think this government thinks it's a big waste of money. Nonetheless, I definitely believe that the DR Government cracking down on sex tourism in DR could only have a welcome affect to this right wing administration. If you don't think sex tourism isn't on Bush's mind....read on.

Bush Says His Restrictions on Travel Will Stamp Out Prostitution in Cuba!

By Wayne S. Smith,
CIP senior fellow
July 20, 2004

President Bush has faced growing criticism in Florida over his May 6 decision to restrict the travel of Cuban-Americans going to visit families on the island. Thus, speaking in Tampa on July 16, he seemed to suggest that the real purpose of these restrictions is to stamp out prostitution!

Bush accused Castro of encouraging sex tourism and suggested that prostitution, including child prostitution, was on the rise in Cuba. He cited a report from the Protection Project of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies as indicating that Cuba has "replaced Southeast Asia as a destination for pedophiles and sex tourists."

Bush suggested, however, that his administration has a global strategy for ending such forms of exploitation and that the recently announced travel controls are a part of that strategy. "My administration is working toward a comprehensive solution to this problem: the rapid, peaceful transition to democracy in Cuba," he said.

The first question that must be asked about President Bush's July 16 remarks is do they in fact reflect the situation in Cuba? Is prostitution, including child prostitution, on the rise?

As anyone who travels regularly to Cuba will tell you, the answer to that is definitely not. True, largely as the result of Cuba's serious economic problems following the collapse of the Soviet Union and Cuba's loss of its preferential trading relationship with it, prostitution was indeed rampant going into the mid-1990s. But then a government crackdown got into high gear in 1998. Until that point, there were indeed hordes of prostitutes on every street corner and outside every hotel. But that all changed in 1998. Now they are gone. Tracey Eaton, the Dallas Morning News' resident reporter in Havana, wrote in 2003 that "Cuba is no longer one of the world's top destinations for sex tourism."

"Prostitutes," he said, "increasingly fearful of going to jail, spend more time dodging police than cavorting with customers."

Eaton quotes Christopher Baker, an award-winning writer and author of Moon's Cuba Handbook, as saying: "I don't think Cuba ranks any longer as a prime sex destination..The Dominican Republic and Thailand continue to be the top destinations. Cuba is now in second tier."

Second, does the Cuban government encourage sex tourism? After all, President Bush seems to quote Castro as bragging about the sex industry in Cuba and saying that Cuban prostitutes were the best educated and cleanest in the world.

No, the Cuban government does not encourage sex tourism. On the contrary, as stated above, it began a sweeping crackdown in 1998 and energetic measures to diminish prostitution continue today. As for Castro's remarks, they were made in 1992, in the depths of the economic crisis, at a meeting of the National Assembly. Castro was not bragging. Quite the contrary, he was lamenting the fact that with the economic difficulties, prostitution had reappeared as a social problem. But at least, he said, Cuban prostitutes were well educated and clean, as demonstrated by the fact that Cuba did not have an AIDS problem -- or one with venereal disease.

Where did the White House get the quote? According to the Los Angeles Times, only a day before the President's speech, the State Department, asked for material on prostitution in Cuba, did a quick internet search and came up with a paper written by a Dartmouth undergraduate which contained the quotes, but without footnotes. But the White House included them anyway. (George W. Bush, after all, has never been big on footnotes). The former student, Charlie Trumbull, is quoted by the Los Angeles Times as saying the President misconstrued Castro's statement. "It shows they didn't read much of the article," he said.

And what of the so-called Hopkins report?

The report to which President Bush referred is not meant to be a definitive statement. Rather, in a page and a half, it cites a number of newspaper articles, most of which are dated and report information from the 1990s. It thus tends to reflect a view of the problem in Cuba prior to the crackdown. It makes no effort at independent confirmation of what the news clippings report. Further, President Bush takes out of context certain of the report's statements. It, for example, cites newspaper sources as saying that "Cuba is one of many countries that have replaced Southeast Asia as a destination for pedophiles and sex tourists."

Again, there may have been some truth to that statement prior to 1998, but certainly not today. President Bush, however, would have us believe not only that the statement is valid today, but that it is Cuba alone that has replaced Southeast Asia.

None of this is to say that prostitution does not exist in Cuba. It does, as it exists almost everywhere, including the United States. But the point is that it is no longer any more of a problem in Cuba than it is in those other countries, again including the United States. Indeed, without question, child prostitution, pornography and abuse of children is more of a problem here than in Cuba. The President says he doesn't read newspapers. He should. He might also occasionally check the web!

Finally, what does restricting Cuban-Americans to one visit every three years have to do with reducing prostitution? Is Mr. Bush suggesting that their real purpose was not to visit their families on the island but to engage in sex tourism? Cuban-Americans must be asking themselves that same question.

04-13-2005, 10:56 AM

That just shows how out of touch the Bush admin is with what is accually happening in the world. This government is intent on keeping the focus off important things in their own country. WTF are they worried about Cuba or the DR?? There are kids living below the poverty line in the US for fucks sake.

So let me get this straight, the government would like to put a poor puta in some third world country out of business so her kids can go hungry, but not worried about is own kids who need help. Is this administration about keeping all the kids in the world under fed?

*end of Rant*

04-13-2005, 11:07 AM
This is bullshit. How could the US government talk about a minor player like Cuba when you got places like Rio, where hoards of American mongers go each year? If Bush is using prostitution, it is really to cover up his pandering to the Miami Mafia.

Reel Deal
04-13-2005, 11:12 AM
Dogwood, as much as I respect you, you missed my entire point. You allow your disdain for a particular political ideology cloud your intellect.

I am certainly no fan of either the IMF, Bush, or Republicans/Democrats. I have been a member of the Libertarian Party since the newsletter was on purple memeograph paper (younger guys here will have no clue what that means). My membership # is in the 1200's. They now issue membership cards in the 250,000's. My education at the Masters level is business and economics. Enough of my bona fides.

International economics and politics cannot be separated. Nor is it as simple as "Bush and the religious right is behind this". It is an extremely complex situation.

Thanks for posting that article (what is "CIP", and where can I see it online?). To believe that Bush or any single politician can effect individual behaviors is naive, indeed.

The entire world wants to eliminate child exploitation.

My comments are economic driven, not politically driven. Lose the "I hate the conservatives" baggage, and you may see what my points are.

Once again, I ask that you researech how the IMF works. That is what may be at work here. There are no conservative right-wing religious nutcases on the various committees. Their assistance DOES come with strings attached. Clean-up of sex tourisn centers seems to be a common thread.

I am not passing judgemant. I'm stating facts as best as I know them.

Additionally, reading the article tells another story besides "bush wants to stomp on Cuban prostitution". It clearly states it was Fidel, himself, who imposed serious measures in eliminating Cubs as a sex tourism destination. Whoever CIP is, the article quotes someone as saying Cuba is second tier. Besides, I doubt ANY politician in the entire world would say anything but sex tourism is not a good thing.

I read the article as an election year shot across Bushes bow. A lot of stuff was written in July 2004 to try influencing votes. I magine that Bush may have made those comments aimed at garnering/solidifying the Cuban-American votes in Dade County: they are the ones who want to see Fidel stomped. Anything for a vote or two.

Gutenberg invented the movable type; he didn't invent truth.

My comments on the economic ramifications of prostitution in the DR vis-a-vis sex tourism stand.

04-13-2005, 11:17 AM
...you missed my entire point. You allow your disdain for a particular political ideology cloud your intellect.

You are wise.

BTW, I still haven't disagreed with you but I always keep the bogey man in my back pocket for moments like this. :wink:

For the record, absolutely, the debt is killing the DR. I'm totally in agreement.

Reel Deal
04-13-2005, 03:31 PM
You are wise.

ROFLMFAO!!! Thanks, but I have 2 ex-wives who would vehemently disagree with you.

I know a lot about a little, and a little about a lot. Economics and business is one of my stronger areas.

One thing I really, truly love about this diverse group of guys (and Yasmin) here is your passion. This brings out raw emotions which is the very core of our humanness.

However, it also clouds logic; passion of various sorts have been the one common thread between both good and evil genius. Fortunes have been made and lost, and lives have begun and ended because of passion.

The single most difficult thing I learned before becoming successful in business is how to step outside my brain, and not let my passion (and bias) influence cold analysis. If I can offer one piece of advice to those who want to develop their entrepreneural skills, it's to learn to harness emotions when analyzing a situation. Passion clouds judgement.

That being said, I find it interesting that an argument is made about how a puta has to do what she does to feed her extended family (a good trait: selflessness, putting her family before her own free will), yet criticize the government for doing what they see is best for the 8,000,000+ people they took an oath to protect. They are equal, in my eyes. The difference is that when the government acts in what they see is their best interest (doing what is necessary to restructure their burdensome national debt to help pull their economy out of the mud), it's OUR ox that gets gored, and we don't like it.

Mr. Ying, meet Ms. Yang.

They are morally equal, IMO.

04-13-2005, 03:39 PM
One thing I really, truly love about this diverse group of guys (and Yasmin) here is your passion.

LOL :lol:

It's the subtle jab that kills me all the time...

04-13-2005, 03:42 PM
The single most difficult thing I learned before becoming successful in business is how to step outside my brain, and not let my passion (and bias) influence cold analysis. If I can offer one piece of advice to those who want to develop their entrepreneural skills, it's to learn to harness emotions when analyzing a situation. Passion clouds judgement.

Right on the head!

04-13-2005, 04:56 PM
Don Tomas, your translation was good, here is what is in DR1 today.

Closing of sex parlors
In a press conference on Tuesday, Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito said that prostitution centers in the Dominican Republic will be shut down. He said that centers where nude women dance or exhibit themselves will also be closed. Boca Chica sex parlors were shut down at the start of the year. Gazcue's "massage parlors" were next, with 12 shut down last Thursday in a raid in Gazcue and the Zona Universitaria. Some 102 women and 28 men were arrested in the raid.
As reported in El Nacional, Dominguez Brito said that there are many people that take advantage of poverty here to exploit women, and as a consequence the DR is known as a sex destination. He said the practice is against the dignity of the country and that of Dominican women, and thus the reason why he entrusted the prosecutors with taking drastic measures. "Prosecutors in all the provinces have the obligation to act against that, against the business of sex and trafficking in women and that are causing damage to the Dominican population," Dominguez Brito said in a press conference called to make the announcement. He is against the DR being promoted abroad as a sex destination, and said this is why all the sex parlors will be closed.
"All, absolutely all, without distinction. Boca Chica has been a priority of the public prosecutors. Today Boca Chica is not the same thing as four and five months ago, but we have yet to continue," he said.
District attorney prosecutors said that in the raid in Gazcue, drugs, synthetic penises, erotic chairs and handcuffs for sadomasochistic acts were found. Jose Manuel Hernandez Peguero, district attorney, said that at the Centro Estetica Omi, located on Calle Leonor de Ovando, a Jose Manuel Lopez was arrested for possession of a pound and a half of marijuana. Other centers shut down were La Reyna Cubana, Cisnes Club, Relax, Elegante Center, Estefany Club located on Santiago, Leonor de Ovando, Danae, Cervantes, Hermanos Deligne, Socorro Sanchez, Independencia and Dr. Delgado streets in Gazcue.

04-13-2005, 05:09 PM
Don Tomas, your translation was good, here is what is in DR1 today.

Closing of sex parlors
In a press conference on Tuesday, Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito said that prostitution centers in the Dominican Republic will be shut down. He said that centers where nude women dance or exhibit themselves will also be closed. Boca Chica sex parlors were shut down at the start of the year. Gazcue's "massage parlors" were next, with 12 shut down last Thursday in a raid in Gazcue and the Zona Universitaria. Some 102 women and 28 men were arrested in the raid.
As reported in El Nacional, Dominguez Brito said that there are many people that take advantage of poverty here to exploit women, and as a consequence the DR is known as a sex destination. He said the practice is against the dignity of the country and that of Dominican women, and thus the reason why he entrusted the prosecutors with taking drastic measures. "Prosecutors in all the provinces have the obligation to act against that, against the business of sex and trafficking in women and that are causing damage to the Dominican population," Dominguez Brito said in a press conference called to make the announcement. He is against the DR being promoted abroad as a sex destination, and said this is why all the sex parlors will be closed.
"All, absolutely all, without distinction. Boca Chica has been a priority of the public prosecutors. Today Boca Chica is not the same thing as four and five months ago, but we have yet to continue," he said.
District attorney prosecutors said that in the raid in Gazcue, drugs, synthetic penises, erotic chairs and handcuffs for sadomasochistic acts were found. Jose Manuel Hernandez Peguero, district attorney, said that at the Centro Estetica Omi, located on Calle Leonor de Ovando, a Jose Manuel Lopez was arrested for possession of a pound and a half of marijuana. Other centers shut down were La Reyna Cubana, Cisnes Club, Relax, Elegante Center, Estefany Club located on Santiago, Leonor de Ovando, Danae, Cervantes, Hermanos Deligne, Socorro Sanchez, Independencia and Dr. Delgado streets in Gazcue.

Seems like it would make sense for them to start off near the Capitol. I think it is just a matter of time before they move this effort to the North Coast. I wonder how far this effort will extend and if they will target Internet sites that promote sex tourism as well. In the USA, police departments have used information from websites and trip reports to sting sex trade operators so it is definately feasible.

Bug Boy
04-13-2005, 06:02 PM
]I have traveled extensively in Western Europe and North America and the only place I have been to, where the #1 reason was to fuck, was the DR (Boca Chica.) Even on my Cuba trip, pussy was reason #3. Shit you can get laid in a hundred different locales, why go to Cuba (or half-way around the world to SE Asia) just for pussy.

The DR on the other hand is different. If you are coming from the NYC, the DR is a short (3 hour), cheap flight ($300) away from $20 teenage pussy on some PHAT asses. If priority #1 was beaches, I would head to the VI, Bahamas, or Aruba. If I wanted culture, I would head to Cuba. If I wanted to sightsee, I would check out the rain forests and volcanoes in Costa Rica. The DR isn't useless, but if I just want to listen to music, check out Domincanas, and drink Presidentes with Domincans I can do this at the stoop of my apartment (which I did this past weekend-- hell, in the summer my neighborhood "feels" more like the DR than Boca Chica ever did.)

BTW: I like this South Dakota idea, but it's still cheaper to fly to the DR. Shit, if the clubs in Bridgeport (CT) hadn't closed down, I would be there. They seemed to have a nice "UN" mix of cheap ($60) putas :lol:.

For me, the DR has always been about the price and convenience of pussy. For some people the DR is home, for me it's Pootang Island!!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

-Helpmann :)

That is cool, but is your opinion. YOU find the DR attractive only for the pussy. That is fine. You prefer the culture and possibly having to travel illegally in cuba, that is cool. I have never been but have heard nothing but good things. But. . . . your "proof" that the DR is useless except for pussy is nothing more than your personal opinion. In addition to my personal opinion, I posted "proof" that the vast majority of the people that travel to the DR, do so for a variety of reasons, besides pussy. Punta Cana has almost zero access to easy pussy, but attracts the most amount of visitors. Visitors that spend more money. How do you explain the fact that Punta Cana has 10 times the amount of tourists, with 10% the amount of pussy as boca chica? Might it be that your opinion does not coincide with that of the majority of tourists?

As far as hanging out listening to Bachata in the states. Yeah I do it too. After 2 beers and 3 songs, I am in the mood to jump on a plane. Dominican chicas in washington heights are not the same as Dominicanas in santiago or sdq, or small towns etc.

Bridgeport clubs. They haven't all closed. The chicas just moved to other clubs. Dwon the block from keystone is a shithole called bishops corner. Sunny, the flaca dominicana was there, Paula the silicon boobed colombiana was off that night, as was vanessa the short and cute PR
chick.Heck I think sunny, paula and vanessa moved to bridgeport now. Emilia is at another club. If I want cheap easy pussy, I could just call them and go hang out. Heck you could get cheap sleazy pussy at asscon etc. I was the one that told the bridgeport chicas about asscon and took paula there the first time to scope it out.

Hell, if all I wanted was dominican pussy, I can get all I want here in the states.Not necessarily Dominican pussy, just cheap, easy pussy on PHAT asses, which is available in NYC. The thing is once I'm tired of the ho (approx. 3 fucks,) I just can't get on a plane and disappear for 2 months (that and the whole baby BS.) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

What was that quote... "you pay them to leave." :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Mister NYC
04-13-2005, 09:38 PM
Poor guys didnçt build those places. Rich Dominicans did. It will go underground but it will be there.

I hate to say it, but I agree with you on this one. The scene will move underground for some like it did during the clean up of Times Square and making it into a damn disney world type environment.

04-13-2005, 10:33 PM
You are wise.

ROFLMFAO!!! Thanks, but I have 2 ex-wives who would vehemently disagree with you.

I know a lot about a little, and a little about a lot. Economics and business is one of my stronger areas.

One thing I really, truly love about this diverse group of guys (and Yasmin) here is your passion. This brings out raw emotions which is the very core of our humanness.

However, it also clouds logic; passion of various sorts have been the one common thread between both good and evil genius. Fortunes have been made and lost, and lives have begun and ended because of passion.

The single most difficult thing I learned before becoming successful in business is how to step outside my brain, and not let my passion (and bias) influence cold analysis. If I can offer one piece of advice to those who want to develop their entrepreneural skills, it's to learn to harness emotions when analyzing a situation. Passion clouds judgement.

That being said, I find it interesting that an argument is made about how a puta has to do what she does to feed her extended family (a good trait: selflessness, putting her family before her own free will), yet criticize the government for doing what they see is best for the 8,000,000+ people they took an oath to protect. They are equal, in my eyes. The difference is that when the government acts in what they see is their best interest (doing what is necessary to restructure their burdensome national debt to help pull their economy out of the mud), it's OUR ox that gets gored, and we don't like it.

Mr. Ying, meet Ms. Yang.

They are morally equal, IMO. Brilliant!! I'm not blowing smoke at you...that was just that. Simple and accurate. "We" are of no concern there. I imagine the next thing we will see will be hotels requiring payments for two people, if not registration in advance for both.

04-13-2005, 11:37 PM
This is all bullshit.

Morality are for those that can afford it.

I've seen this before...Don't worry about it. This means nothing.

There are literally thousands...hundreds of thousands of women that lives off sucking dick to make ends meet.

And with everyone of those women there is a chulo and junior chulito that eats from that BJ dough she brings home.

Since the hotels and tourism are complaining of the weak dollar...the thieves in government decided to attack the other tourism killer culprit...prostitution.

It's all PR bullshit.

I agree with you. This is all PR bullshit.

Another example is Korea. Last September, the Korean government decided to make prostitution illegal. Illegal my ass. Nothing has changed. It's all PR bullshit.

A few months later, this so-called "PR campaign" will die down.

04-14-2005, 12:31 AM
Obviously this is not good news for mongers but there will still be plenty of fun to be had in the Dominican Republic. :)

Now if they start arresting chicas simply for being seen with a foreigner like in Cuba, then I will never return to the DR. :roll:

04-14-2005, 01:01 AM
I would expect things to be more difficult for some here but not impossible. For those who do not speak Spanish yet, learn some.
If there is a market it will be satisfied. Of course one could head elsewhere. As others have said the PR will help the Dominican Republic.

Duarte, Sanchez, Mella,

04-14-2005, 06:11 AM
I would expect things to be more difficult for some here but not impossible. For those who do not speak Spanish yet, learn some.
If there is a market it will be satisfied. Of course one could head elsewhere. As others have said the PR will help the Dominican Republic.

Duarte, Sanchez, Mella,Exactly!!

04-14-2005, 09:20 PM
This is all bullshit.

Morality are for those that can afford it.

I've seen this before...Don't worry about it. This means nothing.

There are literally thousands...hundreds of thousands of women that lives off sucking dick to make ends meet.

And with everyone of those women there is a chulo and junior chulito that eats from that BJ dough she brings home.

Since the hotels and tourism are complaining of the weak dollar...the thieves in government decided to attack the other tourism killer culprit...prostitution.

It's all PR bullshit.

I agree with you. This is all PR bullshit.

Another example is Korea. Last September, the Korean government decided to make prostitution illegal. Illegal my ass. Nothing has changed. It's all PR bullshit.

A few months later, this so-called "PR campaign" will die down. This has already been going on for nearly four months, and escalating, not receding. What is different here is that they HAVE closed places,and they HAVE arrested chicas who ' dabble". This is not PR bs. It is real. Hopefully it may not last, but they seem determined to try pretty damn hard, from what I'm seeing.

04-14-2005, 11:07 PM
This is all bullshit.

Morality are for those that can afford it.

I've seen this before...Don't worry about it. This means nothing.

There are literally thousands...hundreds of thousands of women that lives off sucking dick to make ends meet.

And with everyone of those women there is a chulo and junior chulito that eats from that BJ dough she brings home.

Since the hotels and tourism are complaining of the weak dollar...the thieves in government decided to attack the other tourism killer culprit...prostitution.

It's all PR bullshit.

I agree with you. This is all PR bullshit.

Another example is Korea. Last September, the Korean government decided to make prostitution illegal. Illegal my ass. Nothing has changed. It's all PR bullshit.

A few months later, this so-called "PR campaign" will die down. This has already been going on for nearly four months, and escalating, not receding. What is different here is that they HAVE closed places,and they HAVE arrested chicas who ' dabble". This is not PR bs. It is real. Hopefully it may not last, but they seem determined to try pretty damn hard, from what I'm seeing.

No one is arguing that it's not real...but it's still PR bullshit because no one believes this will be permenant...not as long as there is poverty and corruption.

Cuba...a totalitarian government couldn't stamp it out and Leonel will?

04-15-2005, 12:04 PM
No one is arguing that it's not real...but it's still PR bullshit because no one believes this will be permenant...not as long as there is poverty and corruption.

Cuba...a totalitarian government couldn't stamp it out and Leonel will?


Relax, bros: Remember, "you can NOT make a purse out of a sow's ear" Mark these words...just sit back & wait for it to "blow" over. :lol:

The Peso, I'm afraid, is in for further decline as long as Leonel's around (even this too will change), but the pussy? NO WAY!

This is off of DR1 today:

Supreme Court: Prostitution is legal
The president of the Supreme Court of Justice, Jorge Subero Isa said yesterday that prostitution is legal in the Dominican Republic. He said: "In our country, prostitution is still not an illegal act, but an act that is tolerated by society."
He said that state prosecutors that closed massage centers did so upon finding other elements that were in violation of the laws, such as illegal drugs, as reported in Diario Libre.

04-21-2005, 12:30 AM

04-21-2005, 08:47 AM
Nope it will stay open.

04-21-2005, 11:58 AM
Nope it will stay open.

Where else can all those freaky German women go?