View Full Version : Lots of rains expected

11-03-2010, 03:50 PM
As of Wednesday, the effects of Tomas on the DR have been so minor, it is hard to believe there is a dangerous storm in the area. But the worst is not over, and the threat continues primarily for neighboring Haiti.
So far, slow-moving Tomas (7kms per hour on Wednesday morning) has been downgraded to a tropical depression and seems to be weakening further. Meanwhile, there was rain nationwide in the DR, and high surf, but not much more. But weather forecasters say it continues on its course and could bring torrential rains to Haiti and could strengthen to hurricane force.
For the Dominican Republic, the Emergency Operations Center (COE) was maintaining its green alert for the area between San Cristobal and Pedernales. This calls for precautions against flooding in the cities and rural areas, and landslides. The green alert also includes precautions against abnormal wave action from La Altagracia to Pedernales.
National Meteorological Department (Onamet) forecaster Bolivar Ledesma said that the rains could cause flooding and the waves would continue to pose a threat. According to the meteorological report, the clouds and rains that accompany the storm could bring 100 to 150mm of rain (4-6 inches) with the highest estimate placed at 200mm (8 inches). For up to the moment reports, follow:

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