View Full Version : Lots of double salaries

11-08-2010, 05:20 PM
A large number of PLD city council members from all over the country are in violation of the Public Service Law that prohibits public servants from holding more than one job in the state sector at the same time. It seem that some are collecting RD$48,000 for being city council members, plus perks, and as much as RD$100,000 from other government posts. According to Diario Libre, one such case involves Thania Baez Dorrejo, city council spokeswoman from the First District of the National District, who earns RD$48,000 a month in her council post, as well as the RD$101,400 she receives for being the sub-director of the National Housing Institute (INVI), and she is also a consultant to the Administration of National Assets.
According to an investigation by journalist Nuria Piera, city councilor Yanmer Maria Abreu Quezada also has another public post, in charge of the Housing Bonds for INVI, and she earns RD$34,170 each month. This is a common situation in the provinces, the most egregious case being Maximo del Rosario Melendez who, as well as being a city council member, is the mayor of the Municipal District of Guanito Los Bancos.
In Puerto Plata, Evelin Rosanna de la Cruz Burgos has been in charge of the Office of Women, earning RD$29,300 each month, and she was re-elected as a city council member. In the same province Marcelino Salvador Ramos was also re-elected as a council member, a post he combines with his duties as the administrator of the Puerto Plata docks. In El Seibo, Juana Maria Guzman Diaz earns RD$46,000 as a council member, on top of the RD$32,770 that she gets for being in charge of the provincial Public Health board. In San Juan de la Maguana, city councilor Jose Mateo Alcantara is also the coordinator of a program for the National Institute for Hydraulic Resources (INDRHI) with a salary of RD$32,917. In Azua, city councilor Mercedes Ligia Perez is also the regional director of the Passport Office, among other cases.

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