View Full Version : History will judge government

11-12-2010, 03:00 PM
An editorial in today's Hoy newspaper says that history will issue a verdict on the current government that has kept the country behind in basic human development indicators n health, education and per capita income, despite the high economic performance figures.
"With a stronger economy, in the past decades our investment in education and health, as well as the income per capita, have been below countries with less economic capacity," writes the editorialist. "Those indexes dispute the claims of the government about the supposed development in these areas," writes the editorialist in Hoy.
"The case of education for 2011 is a dramatic example of the decline in our human development because instead of increasing the allocation in 2009 for the needs of the sector, what has been done is to reduce it in comparative terms," says the newspaper. "To degrade human development when there is an economic bonanza is a sin that history will condemn without a second thought," concludes the editorialist.

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