View Full Version : Breakthrough in Jordi Veras case

11-15-2010, 05:00 PM
A breakthrough has been reported in the case of the attempted murder of lawyer and journalist Jordi Veras. The authorities have arrested the alleged contract killers. Veras was ambushed when he enter the parking lot of Channel 25 in Santiago at around 6:25 in the morning on 2 June.
The Police have identified Francisco Alberto Carela Castro, who is also linked to an alleged ring of extortionists, using videotapes made in motels through the use of forged legal documents. Also under arrest is the unnamed person who stole the motorcycle used by the killers. A payment of RD$1.5 million was agreed on for killing Jordi Veras, of which RD$200,000 was given as an advance payment in RD$20 peso bills, and the rest of the money depended on the successful completion of the "contract". The full details were recorded on tape in the Rafey Prison in Santiago, and this fell into the hands of the authorities after Carela Castro's capture during an operation in which equipment, videos and documents were seized. According to investigators, since the plan was not successful, the contract killers embarked on a new effort to complete "the job". This was why Jordi Veras' father, Ramon Antonio Veras (Negro), had complained of new attempts to murder his son, who had to leave the country to avoid the completion of the plot.
Roberto Zabala Espinosa, also under arrest for his links to the alleged ring of extortionists, is being investigated in relation to the attempted murder. Currently in jail at the Palace of Justice in Ciudad Nueva, he is due to be transferred to Santiago today.

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