View Full Version : Film industry incentives enhanced

11-16-2010, 01:30 PM
The Chamber of Deputies approved a bill yesterday that modifies several items in Law 108-10 on the Film Industry. The bill had already been passed in the Senate. President Leonel Fernandez will now sign the bill into law, coinciding with the celebration of the Funglode-sponsored film festival, with over 50 films being shown at several venues nationwide.
The bill introduces additional tax incentives for the production of films in the DR.
A panel discussion on the Film Industry Law with a focus on incentives overall will be held on Thursday, 18 November at 10am at the Funglode Auditorium. Another panel discussion on co-production and financing in the movie industry will take place on the same day at 2pm, with the participation of William Fay, president of Legendary Pictures, producer of the film Avatar.
See www.phlaw.com/docs/es/ley-cine-republica-dominicana.html (http://www.phlaw.com/docs/es/ley-cine-republica-dominicana.html) for the original law that now has been made more attractive to producers.

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