View Full Version : Market day chaos

11-16-2010, 01:30 PM
According to reports, yesterday's bi-national border markets were marked by chaos, especially in Dajabon. As reported in Listin Diario, hundreds of Haitian buyers and sellers were denied access to the DR to trade. On Friday the market was authorized solely on the site under construction with European Union funding. The Haitian Police had to disperse Haitian traders who had gathered near the bridge in the early hours of Monday. At noon the Police allowed them to cross, but the volume of transactions was well below normal, as reported in Listin Diario.
As reported in Diario Libre, Monday's market day began at noon because the Haitians demanded more space at the new location. The Dominican market organizers removed vehicles from a parking lot to make space for more vendors, causing a four-hour delay in the start of the market day.

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