View Full Version : 1,093 femicides in 5 years

11-16-2010, 01:30 PM
Statistics show domestic femicides are down, but the numbers are still too high. There were 92 femicides in 2009, 131 in 2008, 89 in 2007, 99 in 2006 and 98 in 2005. This year the numbers are expected to be below 80, according to Prosecutor General Office statistics, as reported in Listin Diario. Murders of women outside domestic violence are expected to be less than the 107 in 2009. There were 15 domestic violence murders in the Province of Santo Domingo, compared to 9 in Santiago and 8 in the National District. In October 82 deaths in domestic femicides were reported, compared to 85 for the same period in 2009.
To help women who have suffered domestic violence, the Santo Domingo district prosecutor office grants low-interest loans so they can develop their own businesses. 83 women received RD$1.7 million in loans from August 2007 to October 2010. These loans are channeled by the Centro de Atencion a Sobrevivientes de Violencia, under Solange Alvarado.
www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2010/11/16/166650/Abusadores-recurren-al-encierro-de-sus-mujeres (http://www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2010/11/16/166650/Abusadores-recurren-al-encierro-de-sus-mujeres)
www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2010/11/16/166675/Registran-1093-casos-de-feminicidios-en-5-anos (http://www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2010/11/16/166675/Registran-1093-casos-de-feminicidios-en-5-anos)

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