View Full Version : Conditions not ready for reform

08-18-2006, 03:50 PM
Sociologist Wilfredo Lozano states that the central axis for the democratic process of Constitutional reform is the need to establish a consensus among the leading political elite. The idea is not to impose majorities in Congress but rather to establish a reasonable agreement that will make the process legitimate. However, these conditions do not currently exist in this country, according to a report by Clave weekly newspaper. Lozano believes that the PLD, with its Congressional majority and the help of a few opposition lawmakers could carry out the reform, which would give it little power of allegiance, limited legitimacy, and would end up being referred to as "the PLD reform", instead of as the democratic reform that the President himself is seeking. Another deterring factor is that the reform proposal comes at a time when two of the major political forces (PRD and PRSC) are experiencing internal crises, to the point of not being able to present their positions on the Presidential proposal.

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