View Full Version : Hipolito undergoes prostate surgery

11-23-2010, 01:50 PM
Former President Hipolito Mejia has been admitted to the Center for Advanced Medicine and Tele-medicine (Cedimat) at Plaza de la Salud, where he will undergo surgery today to remove his prostate due to a "benign growth". Diario Libre says that the former President will be operated on by urologist and surgeon Octavio Cruz Pineda and cardiologist Victor Atallah early this morning. According to the doctors, the surgery, which will last some 40 minutes, is being carried out as a preventive measure and because it is not "a serious problem". He said that Mejia was suffering from "an infection of the urinary tract due to a benign growth of the prostate gland, and because of this, it was decided to perform the surgery in order to avoid future complications".

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