View Full Version : Fernandez - "It's not about money"

11-24-2010, 02:20 PM
President Leonel Fernandez has criticized the ongoing debate on the need for improvement in the Dominican education system for focusing on the amount of money being spent. In a speech yesterday, he said that increasing the budget is not the only way of resolving deficiencies. Fernandez gave the example of South Korea, saying that this country spends less on education than the United States, but has had a better performance in educational results. "I wish we did have 4% or even 8% of the GDP for education, but this issue is not about the volume of investment, but the quality of the investment", stated the President. Fernandez did acknowledge however that spending in the areas of education, health and infrastructure in the Dominican Republic was inadequate.

The President said that when it comes to education, the first priority should be a focus on the educational philosophy to be applied, but in the Dominican case there is no educational philosophy that defines the content of the curriculum. "I ask for a fuller debate, not making light of it as if it were just about money", said Fernandez. "In propagandistic terms it seems good to me, intelligent even, by those who call for the 4%, but it is a false debate", he said. Fernandez was speaking at an event commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Industrial Association of the Northern Region (AIREN) held at the Gran Almirante Hotel in Santiago.

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