View Full Version : A Five-Year Plan for the DR

11-24-2010, 02:20 PM
The international consultant contracted by the government, Jacques Attali, delivered a report to President Leonel Fernandez at his office yesterday. The report outlines the reforms needed to implement the 20-year National Development Strategy. The study contains 77 proposals and is the result of an international commission on Strategic Development for the Dominican Republic that was chaired by Attali. The commission intentified the concrete reforms that need to be implemented in the next five years in order to build a solid basis for development.

After leaving the meeting, the advisor, accompanied by the Minister of Economy, Planning and Development, Temistocles Montas, spoke to reporters about the general content of the report that he delivered to the President. He said: "We have identified a group of essential reforms, some seven reforms; each one of these lines of action in the report has the aim of overcoming an obstacle with concrete measures. Attali said that his recommendations included creating quality public services, providing future generations with a good education, improving competitiveness and improving the credit system. He also suggested strengthening relations with Haiti and channeling aid programs through the Dominican Republic so that the country may become the central point for governance in the Caribbean in the future.

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