View Full Version : Three new cases

11-29-2010, 04:20 PM
Minister of Public Health Bautista Rojas Gomez reported that three new cases of cholera had been confirmed over the weekend. El Caribe and El Nuevo Diario reported on the latest cases. The first two were announced on Saturday, one involving a Haitian girl, 7, and the other a 12-year old boy. The girl, a resident of Villa Gonzalez, was being treated at the Dr. Arturo Grullon Children's Hospital in Santiago and the boy is being treated at the San Lorenzo Hospital in Los Mina in Santo Domingo East. Both children were said to be "in good condition." On Sunday another case was announced by Rojas Gomez, this time a five-year old girl, a cousin of victim number six, the 12-year old boy. The latest victim is being treated at the Robert Reid Cabral Children's Hospital in Santo Domingo. The minister also revealed that four of the seven patients so far are all members of the same family and live side by side in the Dique sector of Santo Domingo East. Minister Rojas Gomez told reporters that more than 100,000 people would be taking part in the ministry's outreach program to inform people about the disease and how to prevent it. This morning the provincial director of Public Health, Ramon Martinez Henriquez, told Listin Diario that samples from three further suspected cholera cases had been sent to the National Laboratory. These cases were detected in Navarrete, in the Estancia del Yaque area where much of the water used in homes comes from a canal that is highly contaminated with human waste.

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