View Full Version : Counterfeit bills

11-29-2010, 04:20 PM
The president of the Historical Center Traders Association, Carlos Lora, confirmed a story that is circulating in the streets about the appearance of false RD$200 and RD$2,000 bills. The businessman said that this is not just a Christmas season practice, as many believe, but in fact something that has been going on for some months now. "We have to be vigilant all the time, including the deposits that we send sometimes, the banks find them and one immediately loses that money, so when we receive a RD$200 bill or a RD$2,000 bill we pass it through the machines because in the banks they return it damaged."

Carlos Lora said that some traders were refusing to accept RD$200 or RD$2,000 bills, which creates problems for customers and added that in his business he has not seen any counterfeit money since he acquired an infrared light machine. Lora advised traders to be cautious when receiving bills in these two denominations.

On another issue, the business leader said that his members were preparing to respond to the Christmastime demand with merchandise for the season. "It is a shame that traders have to wait one month a year, and for Mothers and Fathers days, to see money circulating in the streets". In Lora's opinion, this has been a catastrophic year due to the lack of money circulating. "Traders can't breathe; they are living under the constant pressure of covering their operating expenses".

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