View Full Version : President to address country on cholera

11-30-2010, 04:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez will speak to the nation today in a televised broadcast on several national channels about the importance of preventing cholera and other diseases in the country. His address will mark the launch of the National Program of Education and Prevention of Cholera, in which the authorities are aiming to visit a million families and involve 100,000 volunteers all over the country. Yesterday the Minister of Public Health said that everything was ready for the campaign, in which the government, city councils, the business community, churches, the Dominican Red Cross, professional and civilian organizations as well as clubs, neighborhood councils and other community organizations are involved.

Rojas Gomez reported that, simultaneously, thousands of brigades composed of health personnel from the 32 provincial departments and other entities will go through the streets and sectors of the provinces providing advice and educating the public about the disease. The national mobilization also has the support of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO), which congratulated the authorities on the initiative, the Dominican Medical Association and the Dominican Society of Infectious Diseases. "This educational campaign has awakened an unprecedented interest in the Dominican Republic, to such a degree that from the most humble citizens to the President of the Republic, they will all be taking part in all the activities prepared for this purpose", declared Rojas Gomez. More than seven thousand public and private schools in the country will join in the program that seeks to raise public awareness on the issue of cholera and its consequences, if it is not treated in time.

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