View Full Version : Shots fired on the frontier

11-30-2010, 04:40 PM
Several Haitians were wounded during a firefight that took place on the frontier bridge across the Masacre River when a group of citizens from Haiti tried to violently cross into the bi-national market that is held in Dajabon on Mondays and Fridays. One of the wounded was crossed over to the Dominican side and received urgent care at the Ramon Matias Mella Hospital in Dajabon. Diario Libre says that the other gunshot victims were taken to the public hospital in Ouanaminthe, Haiti where according to reports they are in a serious condition. On the Haitian side of the frontier several tractor-trailers loaded with construction materials and other merchandise were set on fire. From the Dominican side, it was possible to observe the vehicles in flames, burned in reprisal for the incidents and the wounding of the Haitians. The volley of gunshots began when dozens of Haitians tried to force their way across the bridge, throwing stones at the Dominican soldiers who responded by firing their weapons. After the shooting, the Haitians who were in the market quickly returned to their country and the Dominicans also cleared out of the area.

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