View Full Version : Paredes defends new texts

12-01-2010, 01:00 PM
The Minister of Education, Melanio Paredes, said yesterday that the Pontifical Catholic University Madre y Maestra (PUCMM) had no direct relationship with the production of the Integrated Text for the first cycle of primary education, but that they had helped with the preparation process. "They carried out monitoring at several schools, some 600 in total, and they sent a report of this monitoring each month", he said. The minister also denied that the project was handled directly and without a tender. "What person to person? There was a donation by the United Nations. We paid US$1.9 million for the design and it's not finished. Now the second volume is going in and we are producing the other one in the country", he said.

In a visit to the director of Diario Libre, Paredes reiterated his defense of the new schoolbooks and stressed that the second volume will be used in the second semester that begins next January. Despite criticism from specialists and teachers who say that the integrated text does not fully contribute to the teaching of the Spanish language, Paredes stressed that the school year has not been lost and that, in fact, it will go forward and be strengthened in the second semester with the pertinent recommendations. "I have 1,500 computer laboratories that we are installing in each school with more than 500 students. We are installing the technological highway in order to then move the contents, but we had to first by introducing the text", said Paredes.

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