View Full Version : Good news Christmas shoppers

12-01-2010, 01:00 PM
The Directorate General of Customs announced yesterday that returning Dominicans, residents and tourists are allowed to bring in Christmas presents for a value of up to US$2,000 free of duties. This concession will be valid from 1 December 2010 until 7 January 2011 and will be applicable to people who have not visited the country for at least 6 months and it is valid for just one member of a family. A press release issued by the Customs office yesterday afternoon, as reported in El Caribe, includes this interesting piece of news: Because of the weight restrictions imposed by the airlines over the holidays, this exemption allows Christmas presents to be shipped by couriers or express package forwarders or freight consolidators. According to the note the holiday exonerations are a way of honoring Dominicans living overseas who send "large economic and social contributions".

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