View Full Version : Survey shows satisfaction is low with government

12-02-2010, 09:20 AM
A poll carried out by the Benenson Strategy Group makes evident the growing public dissatisfaction with the government and the economy. Most of those polled felt the economy had worsened and said they would like to see a change. Despite the results, as reported in Diario Libre, the public continues to prefer the ruling PLD party. Danilo Medina is mentioned as the main pre-candidate, with 57% preference. The fieldwork did not consider that President Leonel Fernandez could run again, nor did it present First Lady Margarita Cedeno as a pre-candidate. It did ask voters about Vice President Rafael Alburquerque (34%), Jose Tomas Perez (34)% and Francisco Dominguez Brito (32%). These candidates have said they will not run for Presidency until Fernandez turns down the PLD candidacy. Fernandez and First Lady Cedeno have reportedly carried out activities to position their pre-candidacies.

For the survey, 1,200 people were polled. The main challenges the nation faces are the economy (36%), corruption in government (14%), education (8%), crime (8%), drug trafficking (7%), poverty (6%), electricity (5%) and health (4%).

The survey attributed 47% preference among voters to former President Hipolito Mejia and 42% to Miguel Vargas Maldonado of the opposition PRD party.

BSG says that Mejia and Vargas Maldonado would defeat Alburquerque, Perez or Dominguez if these were the PLD candidates. In contrast, it establishes that Medina would defeat Vargas and Mejia.

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