View Full Version : Milk suppliers owed RD$794 million

12-06-2010, 03:20 PM
The school breakfast program has accumulated debts of RD$794 million with several milk producers, according to information obtained yesterday. Hoy newspaper says that the program owes the following companies: Leche Fresca, RD$108 million; Pasteurizadora Maria, RD$41.7 million; Pasteurizadora Isura, RD$17.1 million; and Lacteos Dominicanos (Ladom), RD$275.3 million. They also owe Parmalat RD$125 million; Pasteurizadora Rica RD$101 million; Bebidas Caribe RD$31.7 million; the Northwest Cattle Cooperative Federation, RD$18 million and Ingroup, RD$75.8 million. The newspaper says that this is not the first time that the government has been in arrears with the school breakfast program suppliers. Some months ago a similar problem arose with the bakers that provide the bread for the program.

All this comes at a time when the public is calling for the provision of 4% of the GDP for education as stipulated by the law. While the President says that the issue with the problems of education is not solved by money, campaign organizers maintain that this debt is obviously a money issue.

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