View Full Version : Industrialists say Addendum is new taxes

12-09-2010, 12:50 PM
The Industrial Association of the Dominican Republic (AIRD) said that it was unfair to try and create new taxes or modify tariffs through the General Law on the Budget and Public Spending, as the Minister of Hacienda is doing with the addendum to the Proposal for the Law on the Budget for 2011. Circe Almanzar, the executive vice-president of the AIRD, stressed that in the addendum to the Proposal for the Budget Law they are trying to authorize the director of Customs to collect the ITBIS tax (a VAT tax) in that agency on raw materials and capital goods. These are items that are granted 0% tariffs and are used by industries classified by Proindustria. This would contravene the dispositions contained both in the Organic Budget Law as well as in Law 392-07 on Competitiveness and Industrial Innovation. She said that article 37 of the Organic Law of the Budget for the Public Sector establishes that the Budget provisions should refer to "their temporary condition" in matters that are related directly or indirectly to the budget cycle. She pointed out that this article 37 of the Organic Budget Law is clear with regards to the Budget Law for this year.

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