View Full Version : Deputies distribute millions

12-09-2010, 12:50 PM
A total of RD$78.6 million was disbursed by the Chamber of Deputies for delivery of bonuses for the legislators. The money will be used for charitable donations during the Christmas holidays. Each year the Chamber of Deputies hands out bonuses, in addition to basic family food basket items to all the political parties represented in the chamber for this purpose. Each deputy received RD$430,000 in bonus money, funds that many legislators argue that are used to help pay for their supporters' Christmas dinner across the country. Traditionally, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate deliver Christmas baskets to the legislators. Since 2008, it has been the custom to present the bonus money with which they can satisfy their constituents' demands.

The bonus money is an additional benefit, since each deputy receives a base salary of RD$175,000, and a 13th salary (the "regalia" or double salary). At the end of their period, even though they have never attended a single session of the chamber, they are guaranteed the same base salary for life. Moreover, the deputies are assigned the following fixed items: representation expenses - RD$35,000, per diems - RD$45,000 and social funding - RD$50,000. This all adds up to RD$392,000 per month per deputy.

On the question of the bonus money that was returned by Deputy Juan Hubieres, this is the first time that such a thing has happened in the history of Congress, and his attitude did not go down well with his fellow party members. Deputy Ruben Maldonado went so far as to remind Hubieres that at a meeting he had expressed "his desire to receive the bonus money, due to the commitments that he had with many of his constituents". This affirmation was not refuted by Hubieres, who defined himself as the salmon swimming against the current, "and I will listen to each and everyone. We have a salary and what we have established is enough. And we decided not to accept or use the bonus money, the cash, or the other things as a matter of conscience".

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