View Full Version : Drugs seized at Port Caucedo

12-10-2010, 01:30 PM
The National Drug Control Department (DNCD) has cleared up the confusion surrounding the seizure of 80 kilos of a white powder that is presumed to be cocaine. The DNCD held a press conference to inform the public about the drugs that were found in a container in the Multimodal Port of Caucedo. DNCD spokesman Colonel Ramon Rodriguez Veras, reported that the 80 kilos of drugs arrived in the port inside a container from the port of Callao, Peru, inside two large blue bundles. The container was on board the ship MSC Bali 041 packed with a load of adult disposable diapers, according to Rodriguez Veras.

The drugs were found during a routine search by DNCD agents yesterday afternoon.

He said that the DNCD was trying to establish where the drugs were being sent, as well as where they came from and the people who were supposed to pick up the container before it was checked out by the DNCD agents. According to Diario Libre, one version that went around yesterday afternoon before the official report from the DNCD, said that they had seized a huge shipment from five containers in the Caucedo Port, and that they had found more than 100 kilos in just one of the containers.

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