View Full Version : Ede-Este reveals US$13 million theft

08-23-2006, 02:50 PM
Electricity distribution company Ede-Este announced that it lost US$13 million during the month of July as a result of electricity theft by "traders who register an 80% decrease in consumption by manipulating the electric meters or though direct connections." Ede-Este's general manager Jesus Bolinaga said that in July the company purchased US$40 million worth of electricity and only collected US$27 million. When the manager was asked about the large amount of blackouts experienced by users, he said that Ede-Este has instituted a system of control that only permits six- hour blackouts for any given circuit. Bolinaga said that "we do not provide a 24-hour electricity service since the Dominican population steals it." He said that a 24-hour service would mean a loss of US$26 million per month for the company. The manager said that Ede-Este has 321,000 clients and each one has a meter. He expects another 80,000 meters to be installed shortly.

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