View Full Version : Chamber in Santiago speaks out

12-14-2010, 03:40 PM
The business community of Santiago, meeting under the aegis of the Chamber of Commerce and Production, warned yesterday that the 11% increase in the electricity rates will affect the competiveness of the national productive sectors and the creation of new jobs. The business entity believes that this increase not only annuls the advances obtained in productivity, but it also is a step back for the country's economic development.

In a statement, the business leaders stated that, "this increase, moreover, worsens our already unfavorable competitive situation against our principal competitors in the global economy".

The Chamber identified other sources for obtaining the necessary funds for the reduction of the subsidies, such as an increase in the customer base that pays for the electricity service to the distributors. They also suggest the elimination or drastic reduction of electricity fraud and to make the necessary investments in low-cost electricity generation with technology that is ecologically sustainable. "This measure (the rate increase) constitutes a worrisome signal and is evidence that in many cases the talk about competition is just that, talk and not a firm will to make the country competitive". The statement indicates that it is incomprehensible that the economic entities that pay for electricity and contribute to production, to the creation of formal and dignified jobs and to the socio-economic advance of the nation are punished.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#7)