View Full Version : Caricom calls for action for Haiti

12-15-2010, 04:20 PM
In a speech at the 34th Conference of Miami on the Caribbean and Central America being held in Miami, Florida, Caricom representative PJ Patterson criticized the slow pace of reconstruction work in Haiti, as reported in Haiti Libre online.

"The mountains of rubble are still there, the fate of victims, with no sign of temporary shelters acceptable, is worsening, the conditions of propagation of cholera becoming scarier every day," said Patterson, who stressed that there had been no reduction in the trauma and misery since the earthquake of January 12.

As reported in Haiti Libre, he recalled that given the damage caused to the state apparatus and the collapse of its national economy, Haiti needs more money pledged by the international community, in order to launch the actual reconstruction. He called for decisive and dynamic action while noting that progress had been "simply nonexistent". He regretted that the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC), created to coordinate the implementation of the Reconstruction Plan, could show barely any tangible results even if it had already approved 50 projects.

"We must ensure to quickly deliver these projects that will alleviate the misery of the Haitian people, that the most urgent priorities are addressed without delay. We must find an effective way to remove the debris, providing shelter, foster employment, ensure good health and develop an education system on a sounder footing [...] We must ensure that mechanisms of implementation are in place before the end of the year," urged the Special Representative.

"People have shown exemplary patience so far, and only an action decisive, dynamic and positive can eliminate the risk of social unrest" has concluded Patterson.

www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1863-haiti-reconstruction-jp-patterson-criticized-the-slow-pace-... (http://www.haitilibre.com/en/news-1863-haiti-reconstruction-jp-patterson-criticized-the-slow-pace-of-reconstruction.html)

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