View Full Version : Difficult days for police sergeant

12-15-2010, 04:20 PM
Santiago judge Henry Dominguez released Lieutenant Colonel Manuel de la Cruz Taveras and corporal Jose Francisco Reynoso Santos on RD$300,000 bail yesterday. The two are accused of physical aggression against fellow police Sergeant Mildred Cepeda. De la Cruz happens to be the son of General Juan Ramon de la Cruz Martinez, who is the chief of the Cibao Central division of the Police.

Santiago prosecutor Yenni Berenice Reynoso had requested a year provisional arrest for the pair while the case was heard. In the meantime, the Police suspended the 33-year old Lieutenant Colonel de la Cruz.

Police Sergeant Mildred Cepeda is not longer pressing charges, but the Santiago prosecutor said they would continue the case.

The incident took place when the lieutenant visited the Espaillat police station and demanded the release of a man who was under arrest while she was on service. A medical report showed that the female sergeant, who is pregnant, suffered an edema in the left wrist and shoulder trauma. The sergeant had refused to release the man, identified as Luis Antonio Francisco Reyes by Noticiasssin.com (http://Noticiasssin.com)

www.noticiassin.com/2010/12/versiones-contradictorias-en-torno-agresion-a-una-sargento-de-la-pn/ (http://www.noticiassin.com/2010/12/versiones-contradictorias-en-torno-agresion-a-una-sargento-de-la-pn/)

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