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12-20-2010, 02:50 PM
Business groups were prompt to comment on the WikiLeaks releases and complained that corruption, excessive red tape, impunity and lack of respect for laws discourage foreign investment and affect the competitiveness of local companies, as reported on Sunday in Listin Diario.

Manuel Cabrera, former president of the Association of Industries of Herrera, said that other embassies have also made similar complaints.

Marisol Vicens, president of the Business Owner Confederation, said that corruption, excess bureaucracy, and lack of criteria in several government bodies not only discourages foreign investment but also affects local investment. She says corruption increases the cost of doing business in the DR and independently of whether the reports are true, the linked reports substantiate the generalized perception on the present impunity. "To advance we need to strengthen our state of law, comply with the laws and have a system of balances and checks that operates adequately," she told the Listin Diario.

Business spokesman for the Organization of Department Stores, Pedro Perez said that vices in processes place companies that are not willing to pay bribes at a disadvantage.

As reported in Hoy, two other civic society organizations, Participacion Ciudadana and Alianza Dominicana contra la Corrupcion commented that the leaks denouncing alleged intents of bribes to investors put into evidence the profound ethics deterioration and weaknesses in government institutions.

Javier Cabreja, executive director of Participacion Ciudadana, said that the "perception of corruption is now matching the reality of a political system that is profoundly corrupt". Cabreja said that corruption in the country is one of the main obstacles affecting foreign investment and competitiveness. He mentioned that the high levels of corruption place growth and development of the nation at risk.

Julio Cesar Tiburcio, of the Alianza contra la Corrupcion, said that one would have to shut down the DR if leaks on information on extorsions that have affected investors from several European countries were all revealed. Tiburcio said that corruption is well known and there are investors that come with one briefcase for investment and another for bribes. See http://hoy.com.do/el-pais/2010/12/18/354744/Filtraciones-deWikiLeaks-inquietan-sectores-del-pais

A recent report by the World Economic Forum indicates that corruption, difficult access to financing and high taxation are three of the leading obstacles to doing business in the DR.

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