View Full Version : Cholera update

12-22-2010, 03:40 PM
The Ministry of Public Health is advising the population not to use the waters of the San Juan River. They are concerned that the river could carry the cholera bacteria. The waters of the Artibonite River, on the border with Haiti, have also been declared unfit for human use, as reported in Listin Diario. Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez said that the river waters are being analyzed. The San Juan River is under scrutiny after two cases of cholera were detected in Villalpando, located downriver. The Ministry of Public Health has also banned fishing and bathing in the Ozama River in the National District and Province of Santo Domingo as a preventive measure.

Eight people, four of them residents in Santo Domingo East, two in Banica, in the province of Elias Pina, one in Nagua, and another in the town of Jimani were confirmed to be positive for cholera and with these cases the number of known cases treated rose to 70. The second National Education Program for the Prevention of Cholera and other Tropical Diseases, by the Ministry of Public Health is underway to keep cases down.

Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez told Diario Libre reporters that of the 70 cases, only three people are still hospitalized and the others have all made good recoveries. Rojas Gomez said that all the cases have been mild and for this reason no deaths have been reported from the disease.

Cholera came to the DR after the outbreak in Haiti, attributed to the spread of the virus to a Nepalese soldier assigned to the Minustah peacekeeping forces, according to a French medical study. A total of 121,518 cases have been reported in Haiti, with 2,591 deaths as of 21 December. There have been no deaths in the DR.

For an overview on cholera, see www.dr1.com/travelnews/archive/2010/tnews120710.html (http://www.dr1.com/travelnews/archive/2010/tnews120710.html)

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