View Full Version : Chamber to vote on Constitutional Court

12-28-2010, 03:01 AM
The Justice Commission of the Chamber of Deputies ratified the report on the legislative proposal for the Organic Law of the Constitutional Court and of the Constitutional Procedures that the Senate sent to the commission. Diario Libre says that the bill will be discussed in Tuesday's session of the Chamber of Deputies, which will establish the urgency of the legislation just like the Senate.

The Senate modified the legislation in order to state that the Constitutional Court, despite being the country's leading authority on constitutional matters, cannot review the decisions in that area that are handed down by the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ).

The Senate passed the proposal with a favorable vote of the 23 senators present at the session held last 20 December.

The change to the proposed legislation submitted by the Executive Branch has been rejected by several sectors, among which are representatives of NGOs, jurists and academics. For Servio Tulio Castanos Guzman, the executive vice-president of the Institutionalism and Justice Foundation (Finjus), the proposal sent by the President is very good because it was drawn up by the leading jurists in the country.

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