View Full Version : Promoting maritime tourism

12-28-2010, 03:01 AM
The Dominican Auxiliary Naval Corps, a civilian group of volunteers, announced that they would be submitting a legislative proposal to the Executive Branch for establishing the rules and regulations that will govern the entry of yachts and sailboats in Dominican waters. The idea is to promote the DR as a boating destination, and maritime and coastal tourism in the same way private pilots are promoting fly-ins.

The Dominican Naval Auxiliary Corps was created by Presidential Decree 887-09 to assist in search operations, rescue and environmental protection. It has its own resources and boats, barges and aircraft have been made available to the Navy, to assist non-military activities or public order and safety at coastal waters.

The national commodore of the Naval Auxiliary, Jose Antonio Najri and the vice-commodore, Freddy Reyes, told the reporters at the Hoy newspaper Economic Meeting that the plan is to lure the thousands of small boats that sail and dock in nearby islands to the DR.

Najri and Reyes spoke of the need for more private investment in marinas and for regulations that offer guarantees to boats that enter Dominican harbors. They forecast there would be some 10 to 15 marinas in operation in the country in the next 5 years and mentioned the increasing number of cruiseships docking here bringing thousands of tourists.

Najri commented: "The presence of Naval Auxiliary boats, properly identified, will assist cruiseships and yachts along the Dominican coasts, and will consolidate an image of safety, of protection that has no price. Because of this the tourism industry is one of those industries that has to support the Naval Auxiliary. "

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)